Want to help translate Agenda? Leave a post here below if such topic doesn’t exist yet, and we’ll add you to the translation project. You can also check out the active translation projects.
Where to start?
The place to start is the dedicated page for your favourite language in the language section of the community where we track progress, users can make suggestions or propose corrections, etc, but also where you can leave a post to show your interest in helping us translate Agenda to your mother tongue. We will then add you as a translator to the project and you’ll receive further instructions how to obtain the necessary tools etc.
How does it work?
In short, we have extracted all sentences from both mac and iOS app, but also those used in sample documents, App Store description pages, screenshots, etc, and added these to an online translation platform called Crowdin. This web app allows you to provide all translations in a single place, and it also allows us to push new and/or updated sentences to you in order to keep everything up-to-date and prepare for new features.
Screenshots of the Crowdin Agenda translation project, a single place to provide all translations
Once we give the go-ahead to start the translation to the language you offered us to help with, we will select an initial set of translators to do a first round of translation. We will send you the instructions and an invite to the Crowdin project.
The hard part
Once you have create an account the hard part starts. You will find a list of all the sentences used in Agenda that need to be translated by you.
We’ve written a set of guidelines and tips. Be sure to keep an eye on this post to learn about pitfalls, insights, and tips on how to get a consistent and great localisation.
Working as a team
After the initial first round of translations have been done, we will invite more translators to help us review and improve the translations, also with help of an initial (private) beta version containing the first translations. The Crowdin web app allows to mark a translation as being either approved, or as needing revision, and the app also allows you to leave comments.
Finally, the language page itself also allows you to post screenshots and/or discuss issues with your peer-translators in order to make for a great experience of Agenda in your favourite language.
Once the translation is getting close to complete we will include it in the next beta round of the mac and iOS/iPadOS app, alongside the other features and fixes we’re going to test for the next release. This allows all beta-testers that speak your language to help us test and improve the new localization. Once the beta cycle ends, and provide nothing odd has come up, the language then becomes officially part of Agenda
Spreading the word
Of course shipping Agenda in a new language is just the first step, we would like to have as many people then allow to enjoy the hard work put in. We’ll inform Apple and their local App Stores about the new arrival, but also hope to count on you to help us spread the word, for instance by contacting local blogs, mac and iOS news outlets, relevant podcasts, etc.
Keeping things up-to-date
Another important aspect of officially supporting a new language is keeping it up-to-date as Agenda further improves and adds features. While we develop Agenda we will continue to add new and updated sentences for translation. We’ll also post regular updates asking you to help us translate anything that is new so you can already tackle these before the next beta cycle is up, thereby preventing that the fact that Agenda is translated in many languages will slow down its development cycle.
Agenda in your favourite language!
We hope you are excited as much as we are about having Agenda soon available in all these different languages, we think it will make a lot of Agenda users happy. Can’t wait to work with you!