Translators: @puvircho
Status: available from version 11.0
This topic is for discussion the Afrikaans translation of Agenda. Feel free to leave your suggestions, corrections, and comments here.
Want to help translate Agenda to Afrikaans? Reply to this post and we’ll add you to this translation project.
Do you encounter any issues, have suggestions or comments, leave a post here as well, your feedback is highly appreciated!
Update: The localization of Agenda in Afrikaans is now officially underway , with @puvircho having a first stab at the first round of translation. If you’d like to see Afrikaans being added as a supported language as well, please join the effort together with Gideon. To be continued…
Hoi @mekentosj,
Misschien mis ik er iets, maar ek heeft geen toegang meer tot de vertaalplatform (Onesky) voor Agenda. Weet jij misschien wat er aan de hand is?
En ik wil je weer bedanken dat Agenda in Afrikaans mag pronk!
Tot schrijfs
Unfortunately, OneSky messed up, and delisted all our translators. We are in the process of coming up with a solution, either with them, or on another platform. Either way, we will be in contact when it is ready to go to get everyone back onboard.
Sorry for the trouble.
Thanks Drew, so glad to hear that. I thought perhaps I did something wrong.
Keep well.
Update: We have moved from OneSky to Crowdin for translating Agenda to Afrikaans