Brazilian Portuguese - Português brasileiro

Translators: @mateusbmelchiades @sscabral @eduardocbraga @andremariucci

Status: available from version 11.0

This topic is for discussion the Brazilian Portuguese translation of Agenda. Feel free to leave your suggestions, corrections, and comments here.

Want to help translate Agenda to Brazilian Portuguese? Reply to this post and we’ll add you to this translation project.

Do you encounter any issues, have suggestions or comments, leave a post here as well, your feedback is highly appreciated!

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I am interested. Could you please share more info about the initiative?

Thanks in advance.

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I hope to post more details tomorrow here: Getting Started with Localising Agenda

Hello! I’m also interested in helping translate Agenda to Pt-BR.

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Update: The Brazilian Portuguese localization of Agenda is now officially underway :partying_face: with @sscabral and @mateusbmelchiades taking a first stab at the first round of the Brazilian-Portuguese translation of Agenda. As outlined here, we’ll add a number of reviewers once they have concluded the first round and will give all of you access to the test builds as things progress. To be continued…

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Hey! I would like to help too!

Thanks Eduardo, I’ve added you to the translator team!

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Update: We have now also started the European Portuguese localization of Agenda with @ricardomsousa and @antonjapinto taking a first stab at the first round.

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Aaaaaand we’re done (for now :sweat_smile:)! All phrases have been translated.

What now? :eyes:

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Wow, great job! That would mean we’ll take it along in the v11 update for which we hope to have the first beta in 1-2 weeks. Super exciting!

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Update: Hooray, the Brazilian Portuguese translation of Agenda is now available as part of Agenda version 11.0 :confetti_ball:. We’d invite everybody to give it a try and let us know if you find any aspects that can be improved, need to be corrected, or are giving issue. Join me in thanking all translators who worked so hard and with so much passion to add the Brazilian Portuguese translation of Agenda! :clap: :clap:

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I want beta version 11.0 please

Update: We have moved from OneSky to Crowdin for translating Agenda to Brazilian Portuguese :raised_hands: