Slovak - Slovenský

Translators: @marek.branicky @mario.lacko @SNH

Status: Started, inviting translators

This topic is for discussion the Slovak translation of Agenda. Feel free to leave your suggestions, corrections, and comments here.

Want to help translate Agenda to Slovak? Reply to this post and we’ll add you to this translation project.

Do you encounter any issues, have suggestions or comments, leave a post here as well, your feedback is highly appreciated!

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Hi, yes of course. I am still happy to help with translations to Slovak. Although I am kind of busy more then in the past, I would like to help.

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Can I help too ?

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Update: The Slovak localization of Agenda is now officially underway :partying_face: with @marek.branicky and @mario.lacko taking a first stab at the first round of translation. As outlined here, we’ll add a number of reviewers once they have concluded the first round and will give all of you access to the test builds as things progress. To be continued…

While my time is limited, I could potentially help out here and there, given my pretty decent (professional working proficiency) command of English and native Slovak and Czech.

Brilliant, I’ve added you to the team! :pray:

Hi @mekentosj, a small update from my side.

I just finished the Czech translation. Because Slovak is very similar to Czech, with some differences, I would first like to see how the Czech version is received by users, then polish Czech, and then base Slovak on Czech instead of English, as the languages are very close and it will be much easier that way.

I’m posting here, because if anyone has a little time now they can do the same - take Czech strings, compare, convert to Slovak. This way we’ll have 2 languages squashed with one hit, so to speak.

:slovakia: Všetkých prekladateľov by som rád pozval prekladať (a zároveň požiadal o pomoc) cez tento odkaz. Je to prechod z češtiny do slovenčiny, a preto by sa malo ľahšie prekladať.

:uk: The above is just a quick ask aimed at volunteers who pledged to help with Slovak that they can now translate from Czech into Slovak to make things a whole lot easier since our languages are very much the same with some differences. Since Czech is done, they can help speed up the translation in their native language.

2023-03-26T16:00:00Z The first 5k strings have been translated :sweat_smile: Could use some help to get this done faster!

Now that we can benefit from translating Czech, which is like US and GB English (sometimes just one letter needs to be changed, or just a diacritic added), this could really be done much quicker if others pitched in @marek.branicky @mario.lacko

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Update: We have moved from OneSky to Crowdin for translating Agenda to Slovak :raised_hands:

I have completed the Slovak translation to 100%. Please, if you have time, try to check it after me. It was a hard work.

Slovenský preklad som na 100% dokončil. Prosím ak máte niekto čas, skúste to po mne skontrolovať. Bola to makačka.

@SNH @marek.branicky @mekentosj

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Fantastic, I’ll take a look!

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Paráda, diky za pomoc.

Ja som teraz neprekladal, pretože som sa vo svojom obmedzenom čase snažil udržiavať aspoň českú verziu, ktorá bola viac kompletná a slovenskú som len začal.

Vrátil som sa z dovolenky, takže na to mrknem v najbližších dňoch.

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You speak Slovak? 🫨

Alas, hahah, I wish I could. But I can take a look in terms of completeness, common issues etc :smiley:

Is it possible to test translation in some beta version of Agenda? (From TestFlight app?). In some cases I don’t known what I translating. And sorry for my English :smiling_face:

Yes, we’ll add it in a beta first, unfortunately it has to be part of a major update usually, which means it will only become available in the betas when we start testing Agenda 19, which is still a bit away I’m afraid. I’ll keep you posted.

'hoy lads :wave:

Just wanted to let you know once I’m done verifying the remaining strings in Slovak I will leave the Agenda translation program as I won’t be able to dedicate more time to it.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for all the effort @SNH, we really appreciate it, hopefully others can take over the efforts to maintain the Slovak translation

Slovenský jazyk preložený na 97% . Teraz narážam na veci, ktoré sa mi ťažko prekladajú. Skúsim preložiť na 100%, ale neviem či to zvládnem. Budem rád, ak ma niekto skontroluje.

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