+1 for iCloud alternative
Posted this info on a similar post about Dropbox for storage, but realized this might be the better place for it.
I wanted to echo that other sync solutions – specifically Dropbox – would be extremely valuable for me! It’s one of the only reasons I haven’t purchased a subscription for Agenda yet.
There are a couple of reasons why the current iCloud syncing in particular isn’t working for me.
Firstly, if you do add image/attachment support (which it seems you are doing very soon) – that’s going to quickly eat up space in an iCloud account unless the user pays for additional storage. I already have Dropbox, so that’s a better option for me. My office also pays for Google Drive with our email accounts, so Google Drive would even work well for me, too.
Secondly, my REAL pain is that our office wants us to use an iCloud account associated with our work email address in the unfortunate event that a company computer gets lost or stolen, the company email address can be used with Find My Mac, for example. There are other reasons they prefer us to use a work-related-only account, but that’s the gist. My phone (with my notes, apps, etc) is attached to my personal iCloud account. Because my Work computer is on a separate iCloud account, I’ll never be able to sync between my phone and my computer to access notes on different devices or on-the-go. Honestly, I could set up a separate user account profile on my computer to set up the work iCloud account for Find My Mac support, since I don’t use it for anything else, and then connect my main user account on my work computer to my personal iCloud but that seems like a cumbersome solution and I also don’t particularly want my work computer associated with my personal iCloud either.
Just wanted to add to the conversation to explain my point of view on the syncing.
In a 100% ideal scenario, I would love it if my notes were simply synced using nothing but my Agenda account and didn’t require a 3rd party sync solution at all – but I have a feeling that would require a total re-engineering of how the app works and far more server/development resources, so I don’t expect that any time soon (if ever.)
I absolutely love the app you guys have created! I really hope Dropbox sync or other sync support is in the near future! Thanks!