Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive etc

I have a bigger online storage space because I have a business account with google. I like to use google drive and was wondering how can I connect this app to that storage option instead of the itty bitty iCloud 5mb storage space? Can I have the option to connect to any thing else besides iCloud? Please advise. Thanks.


Why would you need a connection? Are you trying to add files to notes? You could post the share link to the file in your note


Agenda should not use too much cloud space for now, since it is just text. So 5GB should be OK, I think.

In future, we will consider adding other options. We have higher priorities at the moment, such as image support.

See this topic:


Greetings, I know this thread is a bit old, but I wanted to check-in on it once more. (I hope I haven’t missed any current discussion on this since July 2018…if so, my apologies for the disruption.)

I am curious as to whether this an option that is even remotely likely on the features list. I’m making an effort to move away from paying for all of these additional external storage services that are a premium for syncing across devices. I have far more storage with my own external hosted drives, which diverts me more to utilizing that option over additional paid subscriptions. This is not a sink or swim issue for me, but one that I will continue to monitor as I attempt to find ways on scaling back on costs that really are not serving me as well as it should to justify the added expenses.

I don’t see myself dropping Agenda at any point. I do see myself disconnecting from all of the extra services for external storage the same as everyone would do in regards to cutting the cord on ever increasing costs of areas like cable tv.


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It’s possible, but not high on our priority list at the moment. Each of these sync services takes about a month of development and testing, and there are quite a few of them. Everyone wants a different one. If we tried to support them all, there would be no other development on the app for probably 6 months :frowning:

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I understand it’s undoable to support ‘m all, but I suspect most Agenda users use it for work. A lot of enterprises don’t allow the use of various cloud stores for security / GDPR requirements. So I’d say you could limit the supported set to the most ‘enterprisy’ of them like Google Drive and MS OneDrive. That would cover possibly the majority of users that don’t have a free choice over which cloud storage to use.


I would like to through in (once more…) another favourite cloud solution as you have mentioned GDPR: webDAV.
It‘s often used in business, becuse you can host it by yourself and don‘t need to use a cloud at all. You can even run it on a small Synology NAS, for instance.

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Love Agenda especially for recurring meetings! Unfortunately, I cannot sync between my iPad and Mac because iCloud is locked down in my organization (we use OneDrive). Please add the ability to choose where the files go.

We can’t support every single service. We would never get anything else done.

What we hope to do in the near future is add WebDAV support. This is a good choice for people who want to control their data. You can setup your own sync server, or get your company to support it internally.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for the reply. Not what I was looking for (and my organization would not set up a WebDAV server for this purpose), but appreciate the reply!

Was hoping there was a way to leverage the files APIs to save these to whatever provider is integrated to the Files App, but while that sounds super easy to me (because I don’t know), I’m sure there is deep integration with the Apple stuff that is not easily portable.

Anyway, thanks again for the reply!

I don’t think you could use it that way. Apple protects user data from apps, so you really have to go to Files and choose Open In Agenda before our app sees anything. For sync, we really need to be able to scan lots of files. It’s also iOS only, not Mac, so that would also be a challenge.

We’ll keep our eyes open. If we can find something that ticks all the boxes we will try to integrate it. If you know of some other app that supports many of the services, maybe we can learn something from that. (I don’t personally know any that support more than one or two services, or sync via their own service.)