Update: The Traditional Chinese localization of Agenda is now officially underway with @marsping, @YuanxiTseng, @david_c taking a first stab at the first round of translation. As outlined here, we’ll add a number of reviewers once they have concluded the first round and will give all of you access to the test builds as things progress. Be sure to let us know if you’d like to help! We’re looking forward to your feedback. To be continued…
Hi, looks like I am a bit late, it is possible for me to join the first round of translations?
Thanks for the invitation, I would like to start translating from the top of the list and make the suggestion about “Basic actions and nouns”
Agenda’s Terms
Premium features - Premium 功能
Category - 類別
Subcategory - 子類別
Project - 專案
Note - 筆記
Overview - 概覽
Calendar - 行事曆
Event - 行程
Reminder - 提醒事項
Date - 日期
Linking an Event - 連結行程
Assigning a Date - 安排日期
Collapse/Expand - 收合/展開
Pinning a note - 釘選筆記
Purchasing - 購買
Date & Time
Day - 天
Add New… - 新增
Add… - 加入
This is just the initial thought, please kindly leave your comment.
Maybe I should keep updating the list for the team to follow?
I think “Pinning” maybe can consider the translation in “備忘錄” which is “釘選”
“Premium features” I prefer not to use “收費”. “收費” is really clear but not matching the original meaning.
For now, I’m reviewing the purple terms in “Local Agenda”.
I’ll post some opinion if I have problem to translate.
I checked the App Store they use “類別” for “Category”.
I like “筆記” in stead of “備忘錄” as it is more intuitive for me.
Looks like you are coming from Taiwan? My Calendar App (Hong Kong) is call “日曆”
I will change it to “行事曆”.
One more thing about " %@ days ago", in my App Store for update history Apple use “%@ 日前” and that’s why I use “日” instead of “天”. What is the word used in your App Store?
Please feel free to change the style to match Taiwan.
“日” is okay in Taiwan, but using “天” is more common.
“日” usually is used with specific date such as 3 月 5 日.
3 日前 = 3 天前
I feel it is more serious(嚴肅、慎重的感覺)to me if using “3 日前”.
For a small team I would suggest avoid three Traditional Chinese version and stick with your use of words. The hardest part is the initial stage: to determine a common word to use across the app. Things should be easier to follow later on. Sorry if choosing the right word slow down the translation process.
I would say it is quite natural for us to select Taiwan in language setting if Hong Kong were not in the list.
Regarding premium, indeed we prefer to have the focus on being advanced/pro/premium rather than paid/subscription etc. I.e. focus on the functions giving you more advanced capabilities rather than focusing on the fact you have to pay for them.
Regarding Taiwan vs Hongkong, I see Apple for the Finder has:
So indeed three different chinese translations. Is it perhaps a good idea to first focus on the Taiwan translation and once that is done, duplicate it and make a variant for HongKong?
First of all, not a big fan of “專業” or “高級” as those two feels unreachable.
I am leading toward “進階” if we really need to translate it as it is easy to to understand and emphasis on the advanced capabilities.
Otherwise, I would like to leave it as “Premium 功能” . I do check other reference e.g. Spotify Premium, YouTube Premium and they actually leave it as English and I think most of the people would understand. Like the App name Agenda,I wanted to leave it untranslated to keep the original idea from the developer.
I have some idea about “add” based on the meaning in context.
If the target is a existed one such “Add Attachments and Images” using “加入”
If the action will create some new material or content such as “Add New Note” using “新增”