Dates, Events, and Reminders

A post was split to a new topic: Pending reminders overview

A post was split to a new topic: Yesterday list

2 posts were split to a new topic: Not showing all calendars

Will it be enough to subscribe here to be notified of the ability to create recurring tasks within Agenda? I like the quickness of doing so–I don’t want to have to go into another app… Thanks!

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It should indeed notify you, mind though that this isn’t very high up on our list I’m afraid, so this might take a while.

9 posts were split to a new topic: URL field and Reminders

Is there there a way to specify the Reminders list when creating a reminder with the \remind shortcut?


When you type \remind, it shows a popover. In that popover, you can choose the list you want to use.


Finding how to remove dates felt really nonintuitive until I looked up this help page. Now it’s easy, but I doubt novice users will immediately understand how it works.

We’ll try to make this more intuitive, thanks for the feedback

A post was split to a new topic: Issue with reminders in Microsoft ToDo

I have two question:

  • There is no way to set repeat reminder in Agenda, right?
  • Is there a shortcut to set the reminder as all day instead of clicking on the downward arrow icon?

For both the answer is not at the moment, things we’d like to offer in the future.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Cannot connect to Calendar and Reminders

The new calendar event has “location” as a field. Is there a way to link this with contacts? Sure would be handy. Thanks in advance.

Not at the moment, but proper “Contacts” integration is among the things we’d like to add: The features we are working on right now…


I know this is quite old, but using this instance, of reoccurring events, once linked to the reoccurring event, does this link of the reoccurring event reappear on the next occurrence of that reoccurring event, i.e. a new note with that reoccurring note, or do you have to relink that event to a new note? It would greatly simplify the process if it automatically created a new note with that link instead of having to constantly watch the calendar section and manually creating that link. If it already does this, I am not able to figure out how to do it.

Top part of this was a reply by @mekentosj I am still wondering if this is possible, that is, my question in the quote?

The latter indeed, you will always have to create a new note yourself, as often we have meetings etc that don’t really need a note for all instances it would otherwise create a lot of empty notes. Again, our goal is not for Agenda to become a replacement of the calendar app, rather work alongside.

Thx Alex. I appreciate setting me straight on this. Thought I was doing something wrong.

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