Add color to your note taking with Agenda 15

Want to see what’s new in Agenda 15? In this video I’ll go over the new text editor and iOS16 features we added…



You guys really justify the subscription. Thank you!


Thank you for your support @victorjliew, happy to hear that! :blush:

I have just tested the highlighting and background colors on the notes. I have missed the possibility to highlight text, so I am very satisfied. And even with different colors. Great!
The only issue is that I cannot get the transparency function work. I only get 100% opacity when I choose a custom color. The preset colors are working well, both in dark and light mode because they are transparent.

The preset note background colors are good in light mode, but hardly showing in dark mode.

I have also set a custom color to a project category, and it turned out very well. I am very fond of colors.

I think it is worth paying for Agenda not only because of the premium features. I see it as I support all the development. I am using Agenda as my main note taking app. It helps me think organized. And the highlighting makes it even better to quote text and work with it.

I am using iPad Pro. Have not tested on iPhone yet.

I have similar feedback on default list of highlight colours, they are dull and don’t make highlight stand out.

Transparency is indeed not supported at the moment for technical reasons, I’ve thought of a way to do it perhaps, will try to see if we can support it.

Is there any way to programmatically apply colour to text for example to use in a shortcut which generates a note?

I wish there is a dark option that is not pure black, some colors for me doesn’t look great in pure black background. Overall really enjoying the app again. Thanks guys!


Not yet at this moment I’m afraid, with the exception that you can highlight using the default color if you use the markdown format ==text in between the double equal signs gets highlighted==, which should also work if you use this in the x-callback-urls and shortcuts.

I am unable to add colour to the text in a table.
Is it supported in Agenda, if not, could you plan to support this in future releases ?

I believe that doesn’t work yet. We hope to improve formatting in tables, yes. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for the response. Is there any timeline, when they would be enabled ?

We hope to make it part of Agenda 18 but I can’t promise that yet.