Web version of agenda

I just started using Agenda, for about a solid week now. The application concept seems simple and to the point. The nature of my job requires me to capture notes for all the things I do, no matter how small they are. At the same time it requires me to move around from platform to platform, not always a Mac.

I read you’re working on an iOS version, which will help a lot, but had you giving some thought on providing access to capture and reads notes through a web site? It does not need to have all the features as the main app.

Something like Simplenote.

Thank you.


+1, would add tons of value for me


Yes, this is certainly one of the options we have. It is an enormous undertaking though. Basically a complete rewrite of the app from the ground up.


+1 I think would be very useful for me too to have web version of agenda. Thanks


+1 I think it would benefit everyone, especially when no devices are available on hold to use agenda.


I know these things are slippery slopes, but I don’t know if people would complain too much if a web version were even very feature limited. E.g. provide read-only access to existing notes, since clearly the most frustrating user problem would be to need info in a particular note but not be able to get at it.

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Discoved this app, delighted to use it regularly now. Definitely need a web version as we move from home to office and on the go. My workaround for now is to export my projects to Evernote as a PDF.
Alternatively, not sure if we can access the iCloud notes on the web somehow, even as a read-only access.


+1 I also support the idea. Windows version, or at least web version are very much required for my work environment.


I love the idea of a web version of agenda and will patiently wait for it to come, when the developer think is the right moment and if it makes sense. Agenda has become my primary note taking application for work, personal and in general. I had uninstall all the other note taking application from my Mac’s and iOS devices. Keep the good work.


+1 Came here to write this as a suggestion, pleased to see it has already been mentioned. As someone who uses older OS’ 10.9 & 10.10 for work and at home, this would be most welcome. Like another user said, even a site which was read only would be a great asset.

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The app is great. However, it would save a whole ton of time if there was a web version so I view and edit stuff when I’m using the PC at work…Thanks in advance!!


The web version would mean the world to me. I love the app, however, I want it to somehow sync my notes between my work computer and my personal computer as they both run different Apple IDs or iCloud accounts.
If not the web version, maybe sync the notes based on the Agenda Account. I’m going Premium the moment I’m able to sync notes between the work and the personal computer.


+1 on the webapp please. I’m just starting to use agenda in my work as a secondary school computer science teacher and I’m starting to fall in love with it.
Being able to access from any school computer in case I forget my iPad or can’t use it is a must for me.
Once this functionality is in place I’ll be recommending the app to all of my 390 students.


+1 I would love to have either a web interface and/or a Windows application. This would allow me to fully integrate the app into my daily workflow!


1000 times yes.


Yes please! :slight_smile:


I’d pay for access to a web version. Can’t use a Mac at work for me but I do at home


A web version would be awesome. I use Agenda on my personal Mac but can’t use it outside home. I’ve an Android mobile, so an Android app or a web version would be just great, adding value so users like me can see their notes or add new notes outside home.


+1, or any other way of accessing the platform when your away from MacOS or IOS


+1 for Web version too! :slight_smile: