My workflow isn’t completely satisfactory but here it is:
First, i use Agenda for all sorts of (mainly) work related items. Many notes don’t have a task associated with them, eg notes of a meeting that has provided background information, ideas etc that I may need to refer back to, but there’s no specific action.
I find that many notes will have one or more actions written in them. These may be meeting notes or notes where I’m (alone) thinking and planning. These notes may refer, sometimes with links, to the other sort of notes (above).
So I don’t think of notes as being open v closed, but rather:
- Needing attention
- Relevant
- No longer relevant
I use Reminders app to keep track of, and give me an overview of, actions and deadlines.
I get stuff into Reminders in several ways:
- using \remind in Agenda. I use this mainly in ‘planning’ notes, when I have time write a sensible ‘action sentence’ to send to Reminders.
- Meeting notes, I’m usually trying to write at some speed in the meeting, so don’t have time to craft a sensible action sentence. In this case I try to capture (my) actions with [ ] open bullet. At the end of the note I add \remind: “review note”. When I come back later I tidy up and create any relevant actions using \remind.
- I also get actions into Reminders completely separate to Agenda, when I remember I need to call someone for example.
Depending on the time pressure, I either craft the \remind carefully, editing the date and folder, or I just accept the defaults and send it to my Inbox folder in Reminders.
When I review Reminders I move items from Inbox and edit due date as necessary, including setting no due date. I would love to be able to create a reminder within Agenda without a due date. And to be able to make that my default.
I’ve set Agenda so all new notes get put On The Agenda.
So when I review my work and plan my day/week, I review Reminders and On The Agenda. On The Agenda generally consists of recent notes with ideas that need to be filed and followed up sometime, and meeting notes I’ve not yet reviewed.
I’d love to use On The Agenda to line up my work for the day. I’ve tried several times, but I’ve never got it into my routine. It’s been a while since I tried properly. Perhaps it’s time to try again. Part of the problem is that I need to scan notes to decide on my plan for the day, and that would be much easier if Agenda allowed more than one window open at the same time.