Glad to hear you’re giving Agenda a try, which is probably the best way to decide, simply try it in practise if it works for you. In addition I would suggest to have a look at the other posts in the Talk section of this community, for example these:
So one of the biggest pain points I still have with coming to terms with using Agenda as the key workflow app is the inability to find open action items unless I go through the added step of remembering to tag those notes with something special.
Ideally I’d like to have a search/filter option that would allow me to bring up all notes with open items which could be used in conjunction with other search elements. Failing that, I’m curious how other people are handling this today. I can’t trust my…
I wondered if anyone else had good ideas for tracking goals. I have a daily dashboard, where I put priorities, my weekly goals, gratitude, reflections. A lot of my goals are numerical (weight lifting twice a week, Peloton three times a week, etc). I don’t always have a specific day for each planned so setting a task specific days might not work. I thought of perhaps having check boxes that carry over on the template that I change every week. Does anyone track goals in Agenda, and how are you for…
I’m using Agenda in 4 key ways now:
A Trello replacement
I’ve created a system of categories that mimic Trello. That tied to the use of tags and saved searches works perfectly for me
To take notes against items in my calendar
Really self explanatory
General note taking for various things
I have a system of a few categories and projects that closely matches what I have in Evernote
A way to quickly save important docs that need reviewing or longer term storage for quick retrieval. Th…
What I did: I’m new to Agenda and keen to find out how to use it to replace Things, as I like the look of the way calendar integration happens in Agenda.
Can anyone recommend videos / workflows to show how to make Agenda work more like a task manager?
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc): latest version not premium yet as just trying. Primarily on iPad.