Taking Notes

A post was split to a new topic: Note location

Hey! Maybe it’ll make sense to support fenced code blocks (```) as a text shortcut for Preformatted paragraphs?

Maybe it’ll make sense to support fenced code blocks (```) as a text shortcut for Preformatted paragraphs?

That’s indeed on our to-do list


A post was split to a new topic: Sort notes by mark as done last

After I missed an appointment for the first time I knew I needed a new way to track things… Enter, Agenda! Really liking this so far and when I made up for that missed appointment, I had created a project for it. The “notes” in that project have moved to projects themselves. I do not see a way to convert a note to a project. Is there a way? Good old copy and paste works but I can see this happening a lot for me since everything starts as an “inbox” note….




That’s indeed not possible in a single click at the moment, we have some ideas in this direction, stay tuned.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Splitting Notes

2 posts were split to a new topic: Handwritten notes via Apple Pencil

Really small detail, but is there any easy way to enter a line (I like to separate text within my notes)?


Is there any easy way to enter a line (I like to separate text within my notes)?

Not at the moment but we’ve seen this request a few times indeed.


Is there a way to do a block quote (not monospaced as code, but as a quote from a person)? That would be super handy to capture quotes from people during a meeting…

Also would love to have some audio recording support or integration with Just Press Record. :slight_smile:

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Would love to have some audio recording support or integration with Just Press Record

Agree, audio would be nice. Probably down the track. For now I would say just record with QuickTime and add after that (or Just Press Record).

Is there a way to do a block quote (not monospaced as code, but as a quote from a person)?

You can’t directly do a block quote, but body text is indentable, so you can do something very similar. Just tab to indent, enter the quote, and shift-tab to outdent.


A post was split to a new topic: Block Quote Support

What about notes related to several projects? Any chance to link them or is it copy and paste?

You’ll find a good Talk article about this topic here: What to do with multiple project notes

Are there any ways to add a divider line? In some of my templates, it would be a lot neater looking if I could figure out how to add a divider line.

Insert Horizontal Rule (⌃ ⌘H)

If that is the divider line you need…

Thank you! I’ll have to try it on my mac- it doesn’t seem to work on my iPad Pro with keyboard.

You can also type three hyphens on a line, to get a horizontal line.

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Oh that worked perfectly, thank you!

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