Tags, People, Emoji's, Text Actions and Links

Hi, any chance to add a feature by which the items “checked” within a checklist would automatically migrate to top/bottom (at user’s choice) of the list?


This is a popular request, among the The features we are working on right now…

Thanks for that. As I said, I can’t use the Control with the trackpad because it invokes the right lick menu and I don’t know how to change that … my reading so far tells me I can’t.

So do you know if there is another way to get a link in? I tried creating an alias and dragging it in but that didn’t work.

Thanks again.

Someone in another thread just said the secret was to start the drag and then hold the Control key, which works. You could maybe write that somewhere.

All good now. Deb

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In addition to a tag-browser, I would really like to see tag auto-complete. It is difficult to remember the exact phrasing I used for a tag a while ago, but auto-completing (and allowing me to select between matching alternatives) would help a lot.

Cheers, Niklas


I’m not seeing this option when I search on a date either when creating the search or when saving it. (I have premium features)

It doesn’t work with dates in the search string (eg #due(today)) unfortunately, but it should work with dates you set in the calendar filter to the left of the search field. These are the dates that relate to the notes themselves. If you have one set, you should see an option to make the dates move in time.

I think also that the integration of macOS tags would be very useful. My tag structure on macOS and Agenda.app are mostly the same.

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@drewmccormack @support This would be a dream come true! Any updates?

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We just introduced this in the last update. It will not show just the matching line, but it will match any note that has a paragraph with that due date.

So…first put a #due tag in your note, with some date (eg #due(7 days)). Now simply Search All for something like #due(tomorrow), and save the search. When you save the search, it will ask if you want to keep the dates relative. You should do that, so the due date moves (eg tomorrow is always tomorrow).

Kind regards,

Hello @drewmccormack, thank you for your prompt response. Does this update allow the due date tags to create a calendar event? That is what we were hoping to achieve.

Thank you!

No, due date tags are unrelated to calendar events I’m afraid.

A post was split to a new topic: Custom list style

Is there a technical or UX justification for not permitting spaces, commas, or periods in tags? For example, as I write notes related to software releases it would be convenient for me to tag notes with a semver string (i.e., “1.0.4”), but Agenda doesn’t let me do that.

The reason is that we want to prevent that we accidentally recognise tags as such while it wasn’t meant to be, for example, in the following sentence:
Some things to do #priority for next week's meeting in london

Is the tag we should parse: #priority, or should it be #priority for next week's meeting, or perhaps #priority for next week's meeting in london?

We decided to keep it simple and restrict tags to single words only at the moment. Having said that, we do plan in a future update to offer more options in this area. Stay tuned!


Makes sense, thanks for the response. Looking forward to see what you guys roll out in this area.

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In the meantime you might want to try replacing the dots with underscores - #1_1_1 might not look quite the way you’d like, but it does get the job done :blush:


A post was split to a new topic: Using the hash character without creating a tag

I couldn’t manage linking one note to another note. There is no “Link to” section.

You can do this by copying a note as an Agenda link, then pasting that link in the other note.