Support for "Send To"

I did not see anything in the upcoming feature list on supporting the “Send To…” feature in MacOS and iOS. I’d like to be able to send web pages from Safari to Agenda to store them later.

I can send to Ulysses, when will I be able to send to Agenda?

The “Send To” functionality is implemented through a so-called Sharing Extension, which is very high up on our list, see The features we are working on right now… and this post:

When are we going to get send to. That is the single most thing for me. I just paid $35 to to get your advanced features. However if you will not have this very soon I would like to have my $35 refunded. I just made the purchase 10 minutes ago and the feature was not there.

Monday :smiley:

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Update: Version 10 of Agenda now has a super powerful sharing extension, it essentials packs a mini-version of Agenda allowing you to make arbitrary edits to notes, and inserting content at any position, rather than just appending to the end of a note. :tada: