Release Notes

A post was split to a new topic: Image size reduction

Version 11.0 with Widgets, Scribble, Note Appearance Customization, Accessibility, and 7 new languages

New Premium Feature

  • You can now choose to have a more subtle tag appearance
  • Unordered lists can be shown with a dash or a bullet
  • Checked off list items can be shown grayed out or with a strikethrough
  • Sample content shows how your notes will look as you change appearance preferences

Change the appearance of your notes with more subdued tags, bulleted instead of dashed lists, or checked off list items that are either more accentuated by striking them through, or subdued by greying them out.


  • Complete support for the VoiceOver and VoiceControl accessibility feature on iOS and iPadOS (macOS in beta)
  • Full iPad trackpad support
  • You can now use two finger swipe on the iPad trackpad to open and close the side panels
  • Agenda now appears as option in the Services menu on MacOS
  • You can now use two finger swipe on the trackpad to open and close the side panels
  • The Agenda preferences are now contained in different tabs
  • You can choose not to have an empty note added to new projects
  • You can set the first day of the week for calendars
  • Now you can choose if text dates are relative to today or not
  • You can choose if the notes from linked calendar events get imported into Agenda
  • You can choose to have “all day” reminders created by default
  • You can create notes linked to an event or day from a template
  • You can now insert placeholders in templates, which get pre-populated when you make a new note from the template
  • Support for actions has been introduced. Eg. You can type \date, and Agenda will in insert the current date
  • The \remind action now also has a new set of supported parameters, like all-day, list and title.
  • Placeholder actions in templates now allow you to have standard content entered dynamically, such as the current date, see Creating and Using Templates - #4 by system
  • The \shared-content placeholder can be used in templates so that when content is added via the sharing extension and x-callback-urls, it is inserted directly where you want it
  • You can now use templates in x-callback-urls and link events to your notes as well. In addition we added the option to not select the note that is edited through the x-callback-url
  • It’s now possible to create new categories using x-url-callbacks, as well as setting the completed, pinned, footnote, and collapsed state.
  • You can now create new notes in the sharing extension
  • Agenda now better supports auto-fill of passwords in the preferences
  • The sharing extension allows creation of new notes with templates
  • You can now swipe the left edge of the sharing extension to see the navigation list (iOS)
  • The gutter insert popover on iOS + iPadOS, and keyboard bar on macOS now includes the date and time
  • Attachments and Reminder shortcuts now also work in templates

Help us translate Agenda to your favourite language by signing up as translator!

Widgets on iOS14 and macOS11 provide a quick glimpse of your most relevant notes right on the Home Screen, and they are all only one tap away.


  • Dramatically improved performance when switching between projects, scrolling, search, and performing certain actions.
  • The note title area has been redesigned to suppport multiple line titles
  • The style popover you get by clicking the button on the left of the text editor now applies to the current selection instead of the paragraph
  • The style popover has many new options macOS
  • The menu under the cog/gear button at the bottom of notes is much simplified.
  • On iOS the cog/gear menu actions have been folded into the dot button next to the title (also available on iPadOS).
  • Major performance improvement when switching between projects and scrolling through notes
  • The menu for the yellow dot has been rearranged, as well as the collapsed note indicator
  • The navigation of the sharing extension has been improved, with easy access to recent notes
  • The overviews section of the sidebar has been redesigned to be clearer
  • The sharing extension is more efficient
  • Some content is better handled in the sharing extension
  • Multi-day selection on iPad is much smoother
  • Agenda will use the last used duration and time for new events
  • The last selected sort order is used as the default for new projects
  • When you mark a note completed, you are now prompted about whether it shoud be taken off the agenda
  • We now save the notes before printing
  • More performant and smoother showing/hiding of side bar and inspector
  • Improved import of folders with many apple notes
  • The info menu now includes the archived and completion dates
  • When sharing an Agenda file, the agenda sharing extension should no longer show in the options
  • Sharing a markdown file on iOS now gives the .md file extension.
  • Improved support for macOS11 Big Sur, including an updated App Icon

Screenshot 2020-08-19 at 15.18.10

The gutter menu has been redesigned and works now on the selection, in line with how the keyboard bar works on iOS.


  • Certain layout issues, which could crop note content, have been fixed
  • Improved performance of scrolling in notes with images
  • Resolved an issue where chinese characters could be lost in edits
  • Upon launching the app the search field is properly restored if a search query is put back
  • Sometimes Agenda could jump to the cursor during scrolling. This is fixed
  • Prevent Agenda crashing when in the background, which would cause it to “forget” which screen you were in
  • Fixed problem where arrowing in a text view would not scroll it every time
  • Fixed an issue where inserting a newline at the start of a checked item would cause it to become unchecked
  • Better resizing of notes when dictating
  • Fixed the “Move to Beginning of Line” on macOS
  • Fix for Chinese puncation being inserted twice on iOS 12.4.
  • Fixed blurry images and PDFs on screen
  • Fixed missing text in save overview dialog
  • Fixed an issue where dismissing the crash report would leave the app in an inactive state
  • Fixed an issue where using english due tags like #due(in 2 days) would not work
  • Fixed an issue where relative date in the past would be displayed with just the weekday, which would be confusing in most languages except English
  • Fixed an issue where restoring the position in a project would be incorrect
  • New notes from a template now honor the on the agenda status as defined in the template
  • Localization improvements


Handwrite your notes using the Apple Pencil and Scribble anywhere in the app where text is expected, and your handwriting will be converted automatically to typed text.

Version 11.0.1


  • Quick Reminders and Events can now be created by clicking the day headers in the inspector again
  • Agenda version 11 now runs again on macOS 10.12

Version 11.1


  • New projects are now added at the end of the existing list of projects in its category
  • Improved consistency and behavior of contextual menus for notes. Also added the Share option.
  • Added nicer URL shortnening for Slack URLs
  • Added the ability to create a new note directly in a project of choice through the contextual menu in the sidebar or by holding the alt/option key while selecting the File menu
  • Copied rich text from notes now correctly changes the look of tags and includes the attached images and files
  • Improved arrow key navigation through notes
  • Localization improvements


  • Fixed the issue where using an emoji in the title could lead to odd mono-spaced font usage
  • Fixed an issue with undo where undoing the creation of a new note would crash Agenda
  • Fixed a crash when trying to insert photos, sketches, or performing dictionary lookups, in notes with tags or images
  • Fixed an issue where the date was not properly removed from existing notes when saving them as a template
  • When showing and hiding the inspector the calendar will no longer scroll to the top, only showing event placeholders
  • Fixed a logic bug where moving a note to after the last note would not work correctly if there would be footnote notes
  • Fixed a number of appearance issues under dark mode
  • Improved stability

Version 11.2 with support for macOS11 Big Sur and various improvements


  • Introducing the Relevant Notes Agenda Widget in macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Added the ability to choose the eligible notes for the Relevant widget to be from all notes, or on-the-agenda, today, or upcoming notes only. Completed notes are no longer shown in the widget.
  • The project icons in the sidebar now show when a project contains notes that are marked as On the Agenda
  • Added a “Sort notes by” menu to the View menu on Mac
  • Added support for relative dates in the \date action, see Creating and Using Templates - #4 by system
  • Added the move text up and down and sort checked items keyboard shortcuts on iPadOS


  • Agenda is now fully compatible with macOS 11
  • The reminder editor now honours the “Create All-Day Reminders by Default” preference setting
  • Improved editor behavior for text formatting, and auto-correct, especially when using non-roman languages and accented characters
  • Improved behavior when using Scribble
  • Improved indentation behavior in the editor where hitting delete will now de-indent in addition to shift-tab
  • Improved display of permanent legacy scrollers
  • Improved scrolling while editing long titles
  • Improvements to scrolling in the sharing extension
  • Improved output of prints and exported PDFs
  • Reminders created using markdown will no longer be Untitled and instead receive the note title
  • The calendar popover now always shows as a modal sheet to prevent it from shrinking in landscape
  • Localization improvements


  • Fixed an issue where the cursor would jump to a different location upon tapping in the text
  • Fixed an issue hiding and showing Agenda in dark-mode could leave the notes panel with a white background
  • Fixed an issue where notes assigned to a day in one timezone, would appear as multiple days in a different timezone
  • Fixed an issue where styles like bold and italic would not work in empty notes
  • Fixed an issue where formatting of dates in the widget wasn’t according to the system settings
  • Fixed the date pickers in iOS14 to show the wheel style again
  • The recently edited and related notes panel no longer show notes that have been moved to the trash
  • Template notes should no longer appear in the list of related and linked notes in the related-sidebar
  • The \remind shortcut now properly parses times with minutes
  • The calendar popover now also more reliably opens on the correct day
  • Fixed an issue where upon editing future reminders the time and date would revert to today
  • Fixed the issue where the template title would not be visible in dark-mode
  • Fixed an issue where the sidebar would scroll behind the window buttons
  • Fixed an issue where pasting content on the last line would sometimes make the content end up on a previous line
  • When inserting shared content the cursor should correctly move to the end, and inserted checklist items should be correctly unchecked
  • Template notes should no longer appear in the list of related and linked notes in the related-sidebar
  • Fixed an issue where the current note would not be properly highlighted in the recently edited list
  • Fixed an issue where the sidebar scroller would be clipped on macOS 10.14 and 10.15
  • Fixed an issue where inline formatting in numbered lists would not work correctly
  • Fixed a crash when rearranging projects in the sidebar
  • Resolved various small user interface glitches
  • Small UI tweaks and fixes

Keep your most relevant notes at hand by adding the Relevant Notes widget in macOS11 Big Sur

Version 11.2.2


  • Fixed the issue where on macOS 11.1 Big Sur the window buttons went missing

Version 12.0 with Tables, Horizontal Rules and Agenda Invitations

New Premium

  • You can change the text alignment of columns in Agenda’s new tables


  • You can now insert tables into your notes
  • Add and remove columns and rows in tables
  • Use inline styles like bold and italic in table cells
  • Create a table with a text shortcut: “|||”
  • Add horizontal rules to divide up your notes
  • Create a horizontal rule with the text shortcut “***”


  • The Note menu has now been split into a Note and separate Insert menu
  • Now showing the paragraph dot also for empty notes on macOS
  • Widgets now show a more specific title depending on their configuration
  • Adjusted the caret on iOS to make it look better with widgets and attachments
  • When selecting text the note now scrolls up and down if needed while the selected text extends (iOS)
  • Localization improvements


  • Fixed issues in the window toolbar on macOS 11 Big Sur, including the issue where the window close, resize and fullscreen buttons went missing after the macOS 11.1 update.
  • Fixed a bug where editing subcategory names could lead to inclusion of the parent category name(s)
  • Fixing the issue where the note wouldn’t always scroll up if the keyboard would come on screen on iOS
  • Fixed an issue where the note would stop editing when switching between apps
  • Fixed the issue where upon inputting asian text characters the note would not resize.
  • Fixed a crash when switching projects or choosing Show Project in an overview

New in version 12 is the ability to add tables to your notes, as well as horizontal dividers

Version 12.0.1


  • Fixed a crash on macOS 10.13 and earlier whenever a table was created
  • Inserting a link to a project or note on iPad now works again
  • Fixed an issue where sharing large notes on iOS could crash Agenda
  • Fixed an issue where the date picker would not be visible when having set Agenda to use its light theme with iOS or iPadOS set to use the dark theme.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing adding of a row or column in a table
  • Text in a table cell could sometimes disappear, particularly after pasting. This has been fixed
  • Fixed issue where typing with a multi-cell selection would cause text to appear in the note
  • Horizontal rules and tables were not properly working in templates. Now they are.
  • More reliable Sign in with Apple workflow
  • Stability improvements and fixes

Version 12.0.2


  • Fixed a crash when syncing with Dropbox on the latest beta macOS and iOS
  • Cell content could be lost when copying cell contents between tables. This is fixed
  • Better support for the Polish language

A post was split to a new topic: How do I create a table?

Version 13.0 with Open Quickly, Keyboard Navigation, Split and Merge

New Premium

  • Quickly open your projects and notes by typing a few characters.
  • Pick at which size full-width attachments are displayed.


All menus in Agenda now support keyboard navigation, and those showing notes, templates and projects can be filtered if you pull down the menu or simply start typing if you have a hardware keyboard. Even better, the new Open Quickly premium feature allows you to just hit option-space and instantly find the note or project you are looking for.


  • Navigate much faster through menus and calendars thanks to added keyboard navigation and filtering support.
  • You can now easily duplicate, merge, or split notes, as well as move or copy the selected text to a new note or start a new note after the current one.
  • Days with notes are now indicated in the calendar pickers.
  • Quickly jump to a date in the calendar picker by starting to type, or by picking the option “Type Date or Range” in the presets.
  • Filter notes marked or unmarked as “Done” by tapping the dot next to the search field.
  • The search field now recognizes when you try searching for a date.
  • Added the option to expand a date filter to apply to all projects, or create a smart overview straight from the day filter.
  • Added the replace-note x-callback-url action that allows to replace the text of an existing note instead of appending the text.


  • Much improved performance in notes with attachments. Lower memory usage also means better stability, especially in the sharing extension.
  • On iOS the gear menu has returned in selected notes, on macOS the gear menu is now consistent with the one on iOS and iPadOS.
  • The dot menu on macOS now features the same Other actions entry as on iOS and iPadOS.
  • It is now possible to reorder pinned notes and footnotes.
  • The day filter in the related panel now always shows the plus button to create a new event or reminder.
  • Improved layout of the template editor on iOS.
  • The small dot to re-center the calendar to today now shows more reliably.
  • Improved scrolling and insertion pointer behaviour on iOS and iPadOS.
  • When signed in with Apple the (private) email address used is shown in the preferences.
  • Added an explanation on how to restore previously purchased features.
  • Amazon, AppCenter and Radar links are now shown in a nicer way.
  • Undo of edits in tables now works much better.
  • Agenda is no longer fetching from CloudKit in the background, which actually doesn’t impact things much in terms of sync responsiveness, but should resolve crashes and high-battery usage while the app is in the background.
  • Localization improvements, including correct display of dates in the past in Chinese.


  • Moving notes could leave notes selected in an inconsistent state on macOS, this is fixed now.
  • Fixed several text inset and layout issues on iOS and iPadOS, preventing search results and insertion pointer to go under the keyboard.
  • Fixed an issue where the header in the sharing extension would grow too large.
  • Switching to and from another app no longer ends editing or changes the scroll position on iOS and iPadOS.
  • Links in exported PDFs are now coloured blue on macOS.
  • Fixed an issue where the sharing extension would close when trying to share to a note containing a table.
  • Fixed an issue where a wrong date format could make the date and time insertion stop working.
  • Title changes are now taken into account when creating an Agenda link.
  • Editing of links on iOS and iPadOS now works more reliably.
  • Copy and Paste, and drag and drop, of images between Agenda notes now works.
  • When using custom date formats in templates it no longer affects the insertion of dates in normal notes.
  • Fixed some duplicate and non-functional keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed some issues with Chinese text entry.
  • When ending a search, sometimes yellow highlights could remain ‘stuck’ in notes. That is fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where upon typing the keyboard response would start to slow down, and in fact improves responsiveness while typing significantly in general.
  • Fixed an issue with parsing of list markdown when the line would also contain URLs or tags.
  • Fixed an issue where table alignment and column/row editing would not work properly.
  • Fixed crashes when trying to share notes.
  • Fixed a crash when closing the template editor.
  • Fixed an issue where upon indentation for example, text input by swiping the keyboard would no longer work. This also resolves an issue where the “Agenda_Insertion_Pointer” would appear in the suggestion bar above the keyboard.
  • On iOS the sidebar now automatically closes after editing the name of a new project.
  • Improved layout of wrapped lines in the popover menus.
  • Sync could fail to work if you used Settings app to clear the Agenda cloud data. This is fixed now.
  • Fixed a number of crashes.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Now available: Agenda 13.0 with Open Quickly, Keyboard Navigation, Split & Merge, Performance Improvements, and YouTube Premiere :rocket:

Version 13.1 with enhanced Today overview and performance improvements


  • It’s now possible to go to the next and previous days in the Today overview, or select a day or day range to display
  • Week numbers can now optionally be displayed in the calendar in the related panel. Also added in the tooltip when hovering over a day.
  • Added a Move Unchecked to New Note option under the Edit > Checklist menu
  • Added table edit actions to the table cell contextual menu
  • Added the get-identifier x-callback-url to allow retrieveing the identifier of a note or project
  • Added a preference to disable the option-space shortcut to trigger Open Quickly, for those who heavily require on this shortcut to insert non-breaking spaces

New in Agenda 13.1: the Today overview now allows stepping through days using the same type of arrow buttons used in the calendar. You can even select a custom range using the calendar icon that is revealed after clicking or tapping the loupe icon.


  • Significantly improved performance when working with larger libraries and with projects or overviews with many notes
  • Much improved memory usage for attachments
  • Much sharper display of PDF attachments in notes
  • Improved performance of text editing and loading of notes with a lot of text
  • Improved detection of dates in titles of notes that prevent incorrectly assigned dates
  • Tables now put the cursor in the first cell when created
  • The precede by new note action now works as expected when the note starts with a list and also correctly selects the note title of the newly created note
  • Done and undone status now work in smart overviews and is showing in the recent and related panels in the inspector.
  • Improved performance of navigating through notes using the arrow keys on iOS and iPadOS
  • When using the Apple Pencil, the note title is now only enlarged if it takes up almost all space. The behaviour of enlarging selected notes when using the Apple Pencil is now also less jumpy.
  • Improved tabbing behaviour in the calendar picker on macOS
  • Exported PDFs and prints now contain higher resolution images, and clickable links on iOS and iPadOS
  • More reliable and predictable behaviour of the round circle to jump to today or the assigned date of the selected note in the calendar
  • On iPhone the text “Assign Date or Link Event” has been replaced by the same calendar icon as used on macOS and iPadOS
  • Print jobs now have a title, which is suggested when using Print → Save as PDF on macOS
  • x-callback-url errors are now called according to the specification
  • Whitespace is now trimmed from email addresses in the Agenda account login form
  • Markdown files shared from the Files app should now import in Agenda instead of triggering the sharing extension
  • Updated keyboard shortcut for cut and copy unchecked items, which now also work without any selection (collecting all unchecked items from the entire note).
  • Updated localizations


  • The calendar picker now works correctly with non Gregorian calendars, like the Bhudist calendar
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while taking a picture and rotating the device on iOS
  • Fixed an issue where the title of new notes would not be selected in its entirety on iOS and iPadOS
  • Fixed an issue where typing in the title field of new reminders would shift focus to the searchfield instead
  • The next 10 days and last 10 days preset now covers 10 days instead of 11
  • Attachment thumbnails now properly switch to dark or light mode where appropriate
  • Fixed an issue with selecting, copying, and editing of table cells
  • Fixed an issue where headings entered using the markdown shortcut would not be recognized
  • Fixed an issue where showing the table of contents on iPad would mess up the trackpad pointer behaviour
  • Improvements and fixes to Dropbox sync
  • Added additional safety measures against accidental overriding of data during sync
  • Improved copy behaviour through the gear menu in the gutter popover, which also now features tooltips and correctly switches between dark and light mode
  • Fixed the Copy as HTML command in the gear menu on macOS
  • Fixed an issue where upon going to or coming from fullscreen or upon rotating the device, the height of notes would be incorrectly calculated
  • Fixed a crash when archiving or unarchiving projects in the sidebar on macOS
  • Resolved a number of crashes
1 Like

Version 14.0 with Powerful Tags, Auto-Completion, Tag Browser, Editable Attachments and more

New Premium

  • Change the color of tags in your notes for an even more powerful tagging system
  • Filter the sidebar to only show projects that have been recently visited or edited
  • You can now display lines or a grid when making a drawing on iPadOS
  • You can now import and export your notes as markdown, including attachments, in the TextBundle format
  • Added the option to export your notes as HTML on macOS
  • Enable automatically renewal of your 12 month period of new premium features and save 15%


  • Agenda now contains a powerful auto-completion system for tags, people, emoji’s, internal links and actions (more below)
  • Added a tag browser to give an overview of all the tags used in your library, with the option to merge tags and create overviews from multiple tags easily
  • Back-links to linked notes automatically appear in the “Related Notes” section of the inspector
  • Attachments can now be opened and edited with other apps. Upon editing the attachments are automatically updated in Agenda
  • On iOS PDFs can be annotated using markup. The result is saved automatically in your note
  • Easily insert emoji’s by typing their shorthand in the form :tada:
  • Markdown formatting, conversion of text into a tag or person, as well as link shortening can now be prevented by typing a backslash preceding the text (e.g. \#fff)
  • Quickly add or copy a summary of a note based on checked or unchecked list items, used tags, or assigned people
  • Through the \template action you can now insert templates into existing notes, turning them into building blocks to quickly compose complex notes
  • It is now possible to export your notes all in one file, as one file per project, or one file per note. You can also select the scope of export more easily (selected notes only, entire project, etc.)
  • Link editing and insertion now features a dedicated inspector (option-click a link on macOS, or use ⌘K). It also allows the conversion back to plain text or the original complete URL
  • Pasted links will now be updated automatically to receive the webpage title
  • Added support for simple expressions, e.g. typing \expression(23*34) will result in the text “782”.
  • On iOS and iPadOS the black contextual menu shows many more options
  • It is now possible to delete your Agenda account from the Preferences
  • Agenda now has group licensing options available. Contact us for more details


  • Tags can now contains spaces, periods, as well as accented and unicode characters, e.g. #(very important) and @(Charles Parnot)
  • Much improved and consistent behavior of the text editor when picking up the correct formatting like bold and italic upon deleting text, indentation, moving to a new line etc
  • Added support for attaching folders and packages to your notes, these are transparently turned into zip files
  • Quickly open now works much better with languages like Chinese and Japanese
  • The searchfield in the calendar picker now allows for dates further in the past
  • The related notes panel in the inspector now shows an icon explaining why notes are related
  • The Agenda file format now preserves the category and project structure that was exported, which are restored upon import
  • On macOS you can now export an entire category of projects by contextual/right-clicking the category in the sidebar
  • Added the Agenda YouTube channel to the Help menu on macOS and the Help and Support section on iOS
  • Added the ability to get the identifier of the currently selected note and project using x-callback-urls
  • On iOS and iPadOS you can now directly invoke Live Text through the plus menu
  • Added shortening of URLs from Gitlab, Bugzilla, Jira, and others
  • The text of links to another note or project is automatically updated upon editing the title of the object that is linked to
  • It is now possible to start a numbered list at a different number than 1
  • On iPadOS when holding the command key a neat menu is shown with all keyboard shortcuts
  • Reorganized the contextual menu on macOS to be simpler
  • Upon converting text to fixed-width or preformatted, tags, people and links are reverted back to their plain text variant
  • Adding multiple tags in a row now works better
  • Added a number of missing keyboard shortcuts that were previously present on macOS only
  • Added support for long-tap and double-tap/click to open an attachment directly, and option-click to preview on macOS.
  • You can now use the arrow keys on iOS to navigate from one note to the next
  • Added a number of missing keyboard shortcuts that were previously present on macOS only
  • Added support for long-tap to open an attachment directly
  • Added support for dragged webloc files, for instance from the address bar of Safari and Google Chrome
  • Removed links from text should no longer reappear upon editing
  • Exported notes in markdown format and saved to Files now get the proper .md extension
  • Added the print option to the gear menu on macOS
  • Improved appearance of horizontal rules in exported RTF on macOS
  • Nicer aligment of text in attachment thumbnails
  • The insert menu on macOS now features icons
  • Tables on iPadOS are now displayed wider
  • Fixed the move text up and down, and de-indent keyboard shortcuts on iPad
  • Nicer spacing of icons in the keyboard bar on iOS
  • Better handling of return and arrow key navigation in the open quickly menu on iPadOS
  • Improved appearance of the search field placeholder and tag browser in dark mode
  • Now show insertion menu horizontally on iPad mini in landscape orientation
  • When inserting media we now show a shorter filename
  • When inserting files and links the selection is better maintained on iOS
  • Improved wording and layout of the premium features window, added a link to the terms of service
  • Improved cursor behaviour when hovering over the dot next to the title and links in text
  • Improved memory handling when fetching large notes
  • Fixed an issue where notes would not be properly sized after changing the width of the notes on macOS
  • When using a magic keyboard the on-screen bar no longer has a transparent background
  • Checking a checklist item should now set the edited date of the note
  • The window menu now shows a more informative window title on macOS
  • Agenda now keeps a rolling error log that can be helpful to


  • The plus button no longer jumps away on iPadOS when using a trackpad
  • The today overview in the sidebar no longer gets stuck on a day in the past
  • When using automatic switching between light and dark mode on iOS, Agenda could sometimes end up in the wrong mode. This is fixed now
  • Tapping on checkboxes and attachments is now much more reliable
  • Fixed an issue where the date icon at the top of the inspector would partially disappear
  • Fixed an issue where the first character typed after a checklist item could appear as subscripted
  • Resolved data corruption and reliability issues when syncing with Dropbox
  • Markdown import of notes separated by horizontal rules now works properly, as well as parsing dates for these notes
  • Exported RTF documents now include the attachments associated with inline tokens
  • Fixed a number of issues with link editing that would prematurely parse links and lead to incorrect or broken links
  • Fixed a number of issues with losing indentation or formatting when using voice input
  • Upon pasting text on iOS the cursor should now reliable end up after the pasted content
  • When deselecting a note it should no longer leave a selection of the text visible
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong tooltip would be shown on the dot next to the title
  • Fixed an issue where clicking in text near the right-edge of the note would result in a jump of the note view
  • Fixed several appearance issues when using dark mode
  • Fixed a number of issues with losing indentation or formatting when using voice input
  • More reliable prevention of url parsing in fixed width or preformatted text, or when pasting as Plain Text
  • Fixed an issue where checklist and reminder icons would appear very large in exported PDFs
  • Fixed an issue where upon indenting text a “AGENDA-INSERTION-PLACEHOLDER” would appear in the autocompletion suggestions on iOS
  • Fixed an issue where text input by swiping the keyboard would not work
  • Fixed an issue where some headers of popovers would appear transparant on iOS15
  • The text editor no longer loses bold formatting when trying to simultaneously use bold and italic for example
  • Related notes should no longer be shown for notes that have a reminder tag
  • Removing a star should no longer leave trailing spaces behind
  • Removed confusing detection of dates and events by the system that would not work with Agenda
  • Fixed an issue with pasting of Google Scholar links
  • Fixed a crash when trying to insert a new person with the cursor inside a tag
  • Agenda now uses a faster and more reliable data storage that should result in performance improvements across the board

Agenda 14 comes with a powerful auto-completion system that not only completes tags and people, but also gives quick access to a range of actions and suggestions, including inserting emoji’s, reminders, templates, and links to other notes and projects. Learn more about it here…


Version 14.0.1


  • Fixed a crash when typing multi-byte languages like Korean
  • More reliable editing of attachments

Version 14.0.2


  • Fixed an issue where arrow key navigation would interfere with typing multi-byte languages like Korean

Version 14.0.3


  • Added the get-selection x-callback-url to get the currently selected note or project.


  • The create-note x-callback-url no longer requires a project identifier or title. If none is provided the currently selected project is used.


  • Auto-renewing is now available. Save 15% by opting-in to automatically renew for 12 months of new premium features.

Version 14.0.4


  • If you select and copy cells in a table, and paste RTF in another app, it will preserve the table. Previously, the table would be converted to lines of text
  • Improvements to autocompletion for Chinese. The insert menu can now also be triggered by typing two · (middle dot) characters in a row, and all markdown and action syntaxes now support both regular and width variants of square brackets, parentheses, colons and commas.
  • The random expression action is now available on both macOS and iOS


  • Fixed an issue where tags and links could get lost during editing
  • Fixed problems with editing non-http links in the link editor
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking in the editor, such as on a checkbox
  • Solved an issue where the today overview could get stuck on a day in the past
  • Solved an issue where replacing an existing link by pasting would not work
  • The agenda link is now correctly inserted when scheduling a previously unscheduled reminder
  • Fixed an issue where reminders could not be marked as completed
  • Fixed an issue where you could not switch notes in the sharing extension on older versions of macOS

Version 14.1 with text editor and autocompletion improvements


  • Sync activity is now shown as clouds moving across the “islands” button (requires macOS 10.14 and iOS 15)


  • Spell checking is much improved
  • A link is now inserted to a reminder when it is added to a note from the right panel
  • The related notes panel now includes links to whole projects
  • Now automatically select the first option during autocompletion
  • You can press escape to end editing of a list item on macOS
  • Pressing CMD-S no longer beeps on macOS. (It is not necessary to manually save)
  • Subsequent new attachments now get added with the same size setting as the one previously used
  • The tag browser now defaults to searching all projects, instead of the selected one
  • When pasting a numbered list, the numbers no longer get frozen, but will adjust to any existing list
  • The current project is now shown as the first option when creating a new note using the [[ shortcut
  • When the calendar panel is closed the other related note panels now show more entries
  • On older systems the icons in the insert menu are now darker to better stand out against the lighter menu background.


  • For some users, purchasing via Paddle could get ‘stuck’. This is now fixed
  • Horizontal rules are now properly visible in dark and black mode
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the sign in panel
  • Chinese and some other languages are now better supported in search fields
  • Fixed an issue in the sidebar with selecting the first or last item after viewing the community
  • Fixed some glitches in the notes panel
  • Fixed a crash during sync that arose for some users
  • Fixed a crash in the sharing extension
  • Using x-callback or shortcuts now fully saves edits before starting
  • Links showing with the wrong color now show correctly
  • Relative due dates now work again in saved overviews
  • Sharing panel could jump when you had a table in it. No longer happens
  • Fixed some dark mode issues
  • Fixed various issues in the text editor
  • Fixed a crash for pencil drawings appearing on some versions of macOS
  • The contextual menu no longer contains two share menus
  • When editing the title and display style of an attachment at the same time, the title edit is no longer lost
  • Fixed an infinite loop when editing certain numbered lists
  • Various other crashes fixed
  • Updated localisation

Version 14.1.1


  • Fixed a crash on startup on iOS14
  • Dragged attachments now preserve the display style, and no longer disappear when dragged after a link

Version 15.0 with Text Highlighting, Font choice, Focus Filters, and support for Block Quotes and Syntax Coloring

New Premium

  • You can now choose from various fonts for note content
  • You can choose any color you like for text, highlights, note backgrounds, and categories


  • Added support for Focus Filters (iOS16 and macOS13), to hide projects/categories when you are focused
  • Started to add support for Shortcuts app, to be further rolled-out over the next few releases
  • Added coloring of text
  • Added highlighting of text
  • You can now choose a background color for notes
  • Now have support for blockquotes in text
  • Added code blocks, with syntax highlighting of programming languages
  • Added a number of Shortcuts that are visible in the Shortcuts app, Spotlight and Siri


  • There is a new category of widgets called “Favorites”, allowing you to pin any note you choose
  • Images and links now get included when importing from Apple Notes
  • Templates can now be set to generate a pinned note
  • Templates now support background color
  • The x-callback-url for open-note will no longer change sidebar selection if the note is already in the selected group
  • When pasting RTF text, Agenda will now better extract styles and apply them
  • Agenda identifies list types better when pasting from other apps
  • The gear menu at the bottom of a note now also has a Mark… item that shows the same options as shown when clicking the orange dot next to the title
  • Performance improvements in the text editor for long notes and notes with attachments


  • Fixed an issue where old pencil drawings could not be edited
  • Fixed Evernote file import for attachments and tags
  • The x-callback-url for create-note now properly utilizes the selected project
  • Widgets will no longer show archived notes
  • Fixed problems where styles would be lost on an empty line
  • You can now import Agenda files again from the Files app on iOS
  • Paste and Match Style now works much better
  • Fixed an issue where checklist items in a template would disappear
  • Fixed an issue where reminders could not be added to a note from the inspector
  • Fixed a crash when trying to remove a star from a paragraph

Agenda 15 allows you to highlight and change the color of text in your notes. It also allows you to change the font that is used for your notes and adds block quotes and syntax highlighting of code fragments:

Version 15.0.1


  • Fixed a number of crashes related to Shortcuts support, including one where the app would crash on launch
  • Typing cmd-F inside a note to start a search now works reliably
  • The previously selected project and note are now restored upon starting the app
  • Fixed a crash upon detecting an incompatible version after syncing
  • Minor improvements to the supported Shortcuts

Version 16.0 with Collaboration through Shared Notes

New Premium

  • Create your own shared notes to collaborate with others
  • Invite existing connections to collaborate, whereby they receive an invitation via email
  • Generate a link which allows others to join your shared note
  • Invite others to collaborate and chat using Shared with You in Messages (requires macOS13, iOS16 or iPadOS 16.1 or higher).


  • Accept invitations to collaborate on the shared notes of others (free)
  • Shared notes can be put in any project in your Agenda
  • Edit shared notes with others in close to real time
  • Anyone joining a shared note can then invite others
  • Browse notes shared via Messages in the Shared with You panel
  • Use Shared with You to jump to notes you have already joined, or accept new invitations to collaborate
  • Easily jump straight from a shared note into the corresponding thread in Messages app
  • When you leave a shared note, you keep a personal copy of the most recent version
  • Anyone sharing a note can continue to collaborate, even if some others stop sharing
  • Data for shared notes is encrypted before upload, and when stored in the cloud
  • If you are the last person sharing a note, it will be removed from the cloud when you stop sharing
  • Use any user handle you like on each shared note. Eg. “Janice” on work notes, and “Mom” on family notes - See who is making edits using the user “bubbles” on each shared note
  • Recently Edited list now indicates the most recent editor of shared notes (when it is not you)


  • Agenda now includes the Czech language
  • Added and improved the available of App Shortcuts, including getting the selected note and project, and allowing to set many more properties of a note.
  • The note background color is now also shown in the table of content menu when clicking/tapping the project title


  • Various UI tweaks and improvements

Agenda 16 allows you to share notes with other Agenda users and edit them together

Version 16.1 with Tag editing and Paste As improvements


  • Added a Get Note Summary and Get Selected Text app Shortcut, as well as additional search and sort options for other Shortcuts
  • Added a Paste As menu with options to paste text with or without formatting, or directly as a preformatted or block quote paragraph
  • It’s now possible to delete tags from the tag browser


  • Tables pasted from Excel, Google Sheets, Numbers, etc. are now converted to tables. Pasted lists are now maintained as well, as are attributes from pasted HTML
  • Much improved behaviour with emoji’s and multi-byte unicode characters like those used in Chinese and Japanese during text editing, including when creating and editing tags, using markdown formatting, etc.
  • Autocompletion should now work better when using Chinese or other mult-byte languages
  • It is now possible to show multiple full-width images next to each other if there’s sufficient space
  • Long-tapping an attachment on iOS and iPadOS will directly open the preview of an attachment
  • Block quotes are now shown in a nicer way when used within a list
  • When pasting text leading spaces and tabs are now automatically converted to indentation
  • The placeholder of an empty note is now using the preferred font
  • When sharing a note as email we no longer show the advertisement for Agenda if you own the premium features
  • Rich Text is now available for sharing using AirDrop
  • When inserting a tag at the start of a line, Agenda no longer inserts a preceeding space
  • More reliable activation of focus filters


  • Printing now works again on iOS and iPadOS
  • Title fetching for pasted links was not working, this is fixed
  • Fixed an issue where editing a tag could delete extra words or spaces
  • Fixed an issue where changing the name of a tag, person or attachment token could truncate some characters
  • Deleting attachments by backspacing now works, and so does deleting characters within a tag, person or attachment token
  • Tooltips on macOS for links are now shown correctly
  • The keyboard shortcuts for moving a note to the beginning or end now work
  • Typing > at the end of a note now properly converts to the block quote style
  • Escape no longers triggers help in the collaboration popover
  • The \clear action now properly works to remove formatting
  • Fixed an issue where sync could get stuck
  • Fixed an issue where the island button would move up along with the keyboard
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a note from the recently edited list would not make it visible while searching
  • Fixed an issue when editing attachments that have just been added to a note
  • Updated and improved translations

Version 17.0 with Multiple Windows, Focus Mode, Formatting Window and Lifetime Premium

New Premium

  • Open notes, projects or overviews in a new window on both macOS and iPadOS
  • Take a note into fullscreen with just a click to create an instant focus mode
  • Keep a window floating above all other windows for easy note taking during video calls for example
  • Option/Alt-click any note or project in the Table of Contents, Sidebar or Related Panel to open it in a new window
  • Introduced Lifetime Premium purchase option

Agenda 17 allows you to open your notes, projects and overviews in a separate window on Mac and iPad. You can even choose to have the window float above all other windows, great during video calls for example.


  • Drag the formatting palette into a window to keep it around and give you easy access to all formatting options.
  • Added Save as File option in Share menu on macOS
  • Added the option to click the dock again to bring forward the main window
  • Added support for cmd-3, 4, 5, etc to select the smart overviews in the sidebar
  • Added support for drag and drop of notes in the Related Panel on iPadOS, including into new windows
  • The community and tag browser can now be opened in a separate window on iPadOS

The community and tag browser can now be opened in a separate window on iPadOS


  • On iOS and iPadOS Agenda can now sync in the background
  • Improved behaviour of pasting text as plain text
  • Improved look and feel of the menus in the sidebar and of the gear menu of a selected note on iPad
  • The quickly open and table of contents popovers now show the notes in the sort order of the project
  • The formatting palette can now also be invoked with a keyboard shortcut
  • Improved look and feel of the menus in the sidebar and of the gear menu of a selected note
  • Improved readability of the calendar items in the Related Panel
  • On macOS the autocompletion menu now shows above the text if there is not enough space below the text
  • The order of notes is now correct when selecting a project when using the internal link menu autocompletion
  • Shortcuts should now show the name of the template instead of their title
  • Colored note backgrounds and block quotes should now be visible when printing
  • Fixed and improved the behavior of the panel drag handles, including fixing their occasional disappearing or misalignment
  • Open quickly on iPad now also responds to alt-space (can be disabled in preferences)
  • The Open quickly menu can now be filtered on projects starting with an emoji in the title
  • The request to kindly leave a positive review in the App Store should no longer show while typing in a note
  • Block quotes can now be inserted in templates and the sharing extension on iPadOS and iOS
  • Added draghandle on iPad and smarter drag beginning behavior
  • Alt/option-clicking the notes showing in the Related Panel now shows a nicer menu on macOS
  • Agenda no only remembers the default \date format if it’s one of the standard formats
  • On iPhone turning the screen from landscape to portrait and vice versa should animate smoother
  • Improved translations


  • Agenda should now work properly in combination with Stage Manager on iPadOS
  • Automatic switching between light and dark mode should now work more reliably
  • Pasted links should now update with the title of the website again
  • Fixed an issue where the title in the template editor would have a transparant background
  • Fixed an issue where the searchfield would become irresponsive when typing into the table of contents popover
  • Fixed an issue when using the trackpad on iPad and hovering over the project and/or category title
  • Fixed and improved the behavior of the panel drag handles, including fixing their occasional disappearing or misalignment on iOS
  • Fixed an issue where the auto completion menu would gain a white background after showing a submenu
  • Fixed an issue where the sidebar would not respond to dark/light switches for example.
  • Fixed overlapping icons in the Related Panel
  • Fixed a crash of the sharing extension for certain libraries
  • Fixed overlapping text in welcome tour

By holding the alt/option key you can jump into fullscreen focus mode in one step, you can even tear-off the inspector to make it permanently visible.

Version 17.0.1

  • Fixed an issue where triggering a keyboard shortcut could open many windows
  • Addressed the issue where the floating formatting window would not show or hide correctly
  • Alt-click the window button in a note will open the note it fullscreen
  • Fixed Dropbox authentication on iOS
  • Fixed a number of crashes. Reworked the floating formatting window
  • Fixed pasting text from PowerPoint
  • Fixed a regression where notes from archived or deleted projects would still show in On the Agenda
  • Fixed a layout issue with the date picker for reminders
  • Updated localizations

Version 17.0.2

  • Fixed a crash when viewing the video during the migration from older versions on iOS
  • Fixed an issue where the formatting window would lose its background in dark mode
  • We now indicate the main window using an icon in the Window menu
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Version 18.0 with password support, overview improvements and color and people manager

New Premium

  • Ability to lock Agenda via the app settings, to prevent unauthorized viewing of content
  • Lock individual notes, or whole projects, to prevent unauthorized viewing
  • Unlock notes and projects using TouchID, FaceID, Apple Watch, or a privacy password

Agenda 18 allows you to hide private notes and projects from privy eyes by setting a password, you can even set a password on the entire app


  • There are now sort options for the notes list, for grouping and changing sort order
  • Access the sort options by tapping the Project Title at the top of the list
  • Group notes by project or color or show them ungrouped in one big list
  • Sort notes by assigned date, creation date, edited date or title
  • Added Color Manager to name, organize, and change colors
  • You can now create custom colors
  • Added way to set the default format for the date action
  • Added a People Browser, similar to the Tag Browser, for renaming, merging, and deleting People tags
  • Introduced preferences which sync across devices for some settings


  • The color picker has been improved
  • Open quickly and showing the Table of Contents is now supported in separate windows for single notes (it will unhide the titlebar)
  • More accurate naming of the formatting palette show/hide menu item
  • You can now open notes in a window from archived projects


  • Fixed an issue where the time and date pickers in the event and reminder sheet would always be expanded
  • More reliable detection of reminder and event updates that force the inspector to refresh
  • Changing reminders in the reminders app now updates the icon in the text properly
  • Significant reduction in memory use during printing of notes with attachments
  • Fixed an issue where upon switching from light to dark, the background of the autocompletion popover would be light instead of dark
  • Fixed a layout issue where launching the app in landscape on iPad would not properly layout
  • Fixed some issues with tokens in notes dropping characters
  • Fixed an issue where the title in the template editor would disappear
  • Fixed an issue where the preferences window wouldn’t show if told to sign in from the features window
  • Fixed attachment import for text bundles when alt-text is empty.

Agenda 18 adds a new color manager that allows you to add new colors and given them their own labels, that then become available to color your notes with, or use as text color or highlights.

Version 18.0.1

  • Fixed issue where title would deselect when you add a new note
  • Fixed wrongly named menus for sorting
  • No longer crashes on iOS 13 and 14
  • Fixed handling of dates older than 5 years.
  • The Change Password button in Settings now appears properly

Version 18.1 with iOS 17 and macOS 14 support and Encrypted iCloud Sync



  • Support for widget changes in iOS 17 (including Standby mode), and macOS 14 (including display on the Desktop)
  • Widgets are now interactive on iOS 17 and macOS 14, allowing toggling of On-the-Agenda status
  • Added a new widget type for displaying a single favorite note of your choice in macOS
  • Agenda Shortcuts have been redesigned

On iOS17 the Agenda widget can now appear in Standby mode when turning your iPhone to landscape while charging.


  • The project title field no longer loses focus when creating a new one
  • Fixed an issue where certain events and reminders would not be shown in the inspector
  • Fixed a crash when using Shared with You
  • Fixed some wrong translations in the menus
  • Fixed issues with Focus mode
  • Fixed editing of links in the text editor
  • Fixed a crash in the Shortcuts app when trying to get the content of notes with a reminder
  • Fixed some minor issues around using private notes

Version 18.1.1


  • Fixed an issue with calendar and reminder access in iOS 17 and macOS 14

Version 18.1.2


  • Fix for crashing on launch on macOS 11
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Version 18.2 with project sorting options and optional link shortening


  • You can now also sort individual projects on title, edited date, or creation date, and group notes by color
  • On macOS you can now disable link shortening using a new command in the Edit > Substitutions menu


  • Pasting code as preformatted text or code now correctly preserves indentation and new lines
  • The formatting palette keyboard shortcut now works in the template editor
  • Addressed slow-typing after a colon on iOS and iPadOS triggers emoji autocompletion
  • Improvements to note drag and drop and sorting in overviews
  • Videos are automatically paused when closing the community window
  • Added the Lock all Projects and Notes keyboard shortcut on iPad
  • Command-Shift-F no longer needs to be hit twice to enter a search
  • Improved display of the calendar header in the related panel when showing week numbers
  • Starting a heading with a number no longer removes it
  • Added a hidden preference to disable sidebar and related panel swiping on macOS
  • Tags in the tag manager are now shown with their respective values on iOS and iPadOS
  • Improved navigation of the sidebar using Voiceover


  • Fixed a number of crashes in the texteditor introduced by the latest OS updates
  • Addressed a number of conditions in the editor that could lead to self-duplicating paragaphs
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when syncing in the background on iOS and iPadOS
  • You can now edit the text of links again in the editor (using the arrow keys or by deleting text)
  • Color searches are now correctly preserved when saving as a smart overview
  • The text and highlight colors now include red on iOS and iPadOS
  • Renaming a project or overview now scrolls it to become visible on iOS and iPadOS
  • The formatting palette keyboard shortcut now works in the template editor on macOS
  • Fixed an issue where the project icons were not shown correctly in menus
  • Links now work in templates if used through Shortcuts
  • Fixed layout of the calendar picker on macOS, including when selecting preset dates.
  • Improvements to ensure displaying the correct pricing of premium features
  • Small tweaks and UI improvements
  • Localization improvements

Version 18.3 with grouping of notes by their Done status


  • It is now possible to group notes in projects and overviews by their Done status
  • A long press on a link will now trigger the link editor popover on iOS and iPadOS
  • The help menu now has a search bar that allows the search the Agenda community


  • More careful hiding of the title of notes in locked projects
  • Project icons are now properly shown in a number of menus
  • The link, move to, and navigation menus now show (but not allow selection of) locked projects and notes and hide notes that have moved to the trash
  • Improved scrolling and updating behavior while using dictation on iOS and iPadOS
  • More reliable jump and scrolling behavior when tapping internal links on iOS and iPadOS
  • Highlights and note backgrounds are now included when sharing a note as PDF on iOS and iPadOS
  • The Add and Append to note shortcuts now always show the end date field


  • Fixed an issue where starting the app could be very slow or fail in low-power mode
  • Fixed a layout issue when collapsing the timeline in the related panel without having given permission to access the calendar
  • Addressed an issue that could trigger a crash of the app in the background during sync
  • Fixed an issue where after a force quit no authentication was required
  • Fixed a small graphic glitch in the calendar when selecting multiple dates
  • X-callback-URLs on iOS now properly trigger the x-success callback on iOS and iPadOS

Version 18.3.1


  • Fixes export of tables (eg PDF) which broke in a recent macOS release
  • The filter field could lose focus when there were no results. Fixed.
  • Notes marked as done, but on-the-agenda, will now appear in the Relevant Notes widget
  • Widgets could have half truncated rows. This is fixed.
  • Facilitated future integration with the Things app

Version 18.3.2


  • Update copyright notice
  • Improved the animation for showing features panel
  • Improved animation when showing preferences panel
  • Corrected some layout issues for upcoming visionOS
  • Fixed a variety of crashes

2 posts were split to a new topic: Integration with Things

Version 19.0 with Redesigned, More Powerful Search and Spotlight Integration


  • Simpler and faster search interface
  • Integration with Spotlight
  • Advanced search queries
  • Search options for many types of content, not just text
  • Saving of new powerful searches for Overviews
  • ToDo overview showing notes with incomplete check list items
  • Support for two new accessibility fonts

Agenda 19 completely redefines how to find the most important notes instantly, with powerful queries and quickly jumping between search results without losing your context and focus.


  • Added support for Google meet event note format
  • Move to trash is no longer considered a destructive action in dialogs
  • Projects with locked notes can now be moved between categories
  • Checklists should now appear in the list of auto-completable options
  • You can now check off items in multiple notes at once
  • Added support for Things Quick Entry


  • Addressed an issue where text would end up overlapping from multiple notes
  • Fixed a crash while syncing in the background
  • Fixed an issue where x-callback-urls would not properly work on iPhone
  • Fixed an issue where the keyboard bar could appear with the wrong size when using a hardware keyboard
  • Various minor UI issues resolved