Release Notes

Below you’ll find the release notes of all updates of Agenda, distributed through the Mac App Store, iOS App Store, and our website.

Reporting an Issue

Help us improve Agenda by letting us know about problems and bugs. You can do so by starting a new support topic here (you need to log in first). Note that your questions might have already been answered, or there might be ongoing conversations about the issues you are experiencing, it’s good to check for those first. If you feel it is more appropriate to talk to us directly, or your support request contains sensitive or private info, you can send us an email directly.

However before posting about the issue you are facing, please make sure if its not already in the issues we’re currently fixing, or your question isn’t already answered in the Frequently Asked Questions.

In order to be most effective, let us know what you did when you encountered the issue, what you were expecting and what actually happened. Add any additional info that you think might be of help, like the version of the Agenda, the type of Mac, etc.

Help Us Test New Updates

If you are interested in helping us test new updates of Agenda and get early access to new features and bug fixes, it would be great if you would join our beta test programs for macOS and iOS. Please note that these link only become available to regular users of this community.

Latest Release

The latest current release is Agenda 20 ← Click here to jump directly to the release notes


Version 1.0

  • Initial Release

Version 1.2

• Support for deleting back a word, and deleting to the beginning of a paragraph

• Much better performance for scrolling
• Performance improvements in text editing
• The search field no longer loses focus as you type
• When pasting an agenda link, you no longer get markdown format
• New projects now honor the preference for whether notes should be On the Agenda
• Changes in About window
• Changed name of app to “Agenda Notes” in Dutch
• Replaced Irene Cara with The Pointer Sisters in sample data. (Tell me you are not intrigued)

• Stability improvements for crashes caused by pasting, printing, linking to calendar events, and other actions
• Fixed issue with numbering in nested lists
• Deleting a note with the cog button menu now works
• When premium features are purchased, the print watermark is now hidden by default
• Fixed layout issue where changing style in the paragraph popover could cause text to be cut off
• Fixed issue when cutting a list item, which could lead to two bullets
• Fixed link to Mac App Store
• Made Mac App Store purchase recover better if something goes wrong

Version 1.3

• Support for opening Fantastical and BusyCal

• Even faster scrolling
• Link detection is improved, particularly for pasting
• Improved handling of tags with parameters
• The cursor no longer flickers when over text
• Added swipe to edit category (iOS)
• Added double tap on top of note to collapse (iOS)

• Automatic link detection could be disabled after printing. This is fixed. If you had this problem, you can enable it again in Edit > Substitutions
• Fixed issues with new lines appearing after linking to certain calendar events with notes
• Fixed crashes that arose when entering with input managers (eg Chinese)
• Fixed a problem where sometimes clicks would not register in the welcome window
• Fixes for restoring window positions and split views after a relaunch
• Various stability and layout fixes (iOS)

Version 1.4

• There is a new menu item to remove events from notes. Also removes the dates
• You can hold down the option key to print selected notes
• Added Print to the contextual menu (right click)

• Calendar will show times with am/pm based on settings
• Stability improvements for using calendars
• Export to PDF is now possible for individual notes
• Tags and people show up better in rich text export
• Links in PDF exports are now blue
• Option-Backspace will now delete a whole note regardless of whether text is selected
• Window behavior should be improved in full screen mode
• Added a warning if there are no calendars setup
• Twitter handle is now correct
• A few cosmetic changes

• Printing now represents collapsed notes properly, instead of leaving a large gap
• The Agenda badges should properly disappear after purchasing the premium features
• Line break (CTRL-Enter) would sometimes give a new paragraph. This is fixed
• Stability improvements for languages that use input managers, like Chinese
• The window can now be made smaller. This helps in full screen split view
• Fixed Copy options in the contextual menu (right click) for the text editor. They were always disabled
• There is no matching of markdown in tags and person tags
• Jumping to the start of the paragraph no longer goes to the previous line in lists
• Changed markdown export extension to .md
• There are no longer any checks or substitutions in preformatted and fixed-width text
• Fixed item numbering in lists with nested dashed lists
• Fixed a crash on launch that could arise

Version 2.0 with Pinned Notes and Calendar Selection


  • You can now pin notes to the top of a project
  • The calendars that Agenda shows can now be chosen in the Preferences


  • The calendar event lists now show all days in a multi-day range
  • There is now a maximum width for the text editor. If the window is very wide, the editor will remain a readable width
  • Notes can now be marked as done
  • Click and hold on the round “On the Agenda” button now shows a menu
  • New notes can now automatically be given today’s date. This is a preference setting.


  • Improvements to calendar event linking
  • Interface in the date popover of notes has been improved
  • You can now unlink an event using the Note menu, or from the event popover menu in the Related Info panel
  • Handling of underscores for markdown now requires a space before/after the underscore
  • The hyphen in the markdown -[] for creating a checkbox is now optional
  • Checkboxes used in the Preferences window are now more clear
  • Better handling of the case where there is no calendar
  • Using CMD-N will now show a menu if the new note could be added to multiple projects
  • Search is much faster (iOS)
  • Tapping a link now opens it immediately (iOS)
  • First day of the week in the calendar is now correct for the current locale of the device (iOS)
  • Markdown Export now includes extra line after lists (iOS)
  • Underline shortcut now works on iPad with external keyboard (iOS)
  • Text cursor is not as large (iOS)
  • The search popover on iPad no longer steals focus for a brief moment (iOS)
  • Notes now resize when you use voice input (iOS)
  • Notes no longer start a drag session while editing their title (iOS)
  • Added the missing keyboard shortcut for underlining words (iOS)
  • Phone number detection is now enabled (iOS)
  • Added option to Copy/Share as Plain Text (iOS)


  • Improvements to calendar event sync
  • Calendar events with no assigned time zone are now handled better. Notes will not straddle multiple days when the time zone changes
  • Jumping to the start of a line in the text editor will no longer cause a beachball
  • Markdown is now disabled inside links when pasting. Underscores were sometimes removed from links
  • Password resetting from the Agenda Community window now works
  • Notes with the same start date were prevented from being reordered. You can now reorder them
  • Using Add Link… menu item could cause a crash. This is fixed
  • Fixed an issue where large notes would not be printed in their entirety
  • Fixes for crashes caused by calendar event sync
  • Using Add Link… menu item could cause a crash. This is fixed

Version 2.1


  • Resize text just like a web browser (see View menu, or try the CMD+ and CMD- shortcuts)
  • Agenda now supports all available sharing extensions


  • When typing, undo snapshots are taken more often and are more predictable
  • Clicking and dragging a large selection in the editor will now automatically scroll up and down
  • Performance of the text editor is much better, especially for long notes
  • You can now authorize calendar access from the calendar popup, not just the Related Info pane
  • Better handling of errors when signing in to an Agenda Account, and purchasing premium features
  • Spelling checks and text substitutions now work much better
  • The calendar area for assigning dates and events has been redesigned (iOS)
  • Notes now properly resize when typing long lines of Chinese and other languages with input managers (iOS)
  • Improved performance of typing in large notes (iOS)
  • Improved look of pinned notes that are highlighted (iOS)


  • Undo of a paste could remove more than just the pasted text. This is fixed
  • The touch bar no longer shows controls that do not work with the text editor
  • Various minor cosmetic improvements
  • The dot button no longer looks bad on non-retina screens
  • Link menu now properly accounts for note pinning and sort order
  • Arrow navigation between notes now works properly when the “All Controls” keyboard navigation setting is being used in the System Preferences
  • Changing the paragraph style when it only contains a single letter now works as expected
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a list item could sometimes cause the previous item to become body text
  • Fixed an issue where superscript would show smaller a and o characters
  • Dismissing the calendar popover could sometimes leave the note in an odd selection state. This is fixed
  • Clicking the divider in the calendar picker no longer causes a crash
  • Swiping a project to reveal the menu button now also selects the project (iOS)
  • Typing Return when editing the title of a note now takes you to the note content (iOS)
  • You can now insert a line break using CTRL-Return with an external keyboard (iOS)
  • A note will now resize properly when deleting multiple characters (iOS)
  • Fixed a problem where a change to an inline style with no change to the text could be lost (iOS)
  • Fixed an issue where notes could appear too tall for their content (iOS)
  • Fixed capitalization when entering new note titles (iOS)
  • Fixed an issue when sharing note text with the Drafts and Workflow apps (iOS)
  • Stability improvements

Version 2.2 with Siri Shortcuts support on iOS


  • Added support for iOS 12 and latest iPhones
  • Introduced Siri Shortcuts for searching, as well as opening notes, projects, and overviews.
  • Added initial support for x-callback-url.
  • Menu items now exist to check/uncheck all selected checklist items (Mac).
  • Menu items for text styles now show a checkmark when they match the current text selection (Mac).


  • Changed the keyboard shortcut for strikethrough. It was ⌘-S, which people use reflexively for “Save”.
  • You can now toggle back and forth between a paragraph style and body text.
  • Simplified narrative of sample data.
  • With the cursor at the first position of a list, pressing backspace now moves the list up if the previous line is empty.
  • The Agenda Community window now supports text zooming.
  • When creating a new event, the currently selected day range will be used as the default, instead of today.
  • Drag handles are now always shown when a panel is closed, to aid discovery.
  • Notes created from Google Calendar events no longer get prefilled with the verbose hangout section of the event notes.
  • The sidebar can now be made twice as large as before.
  • When creating a new project the empty first note will correctly get today’s date according to the preference setting “Assign New Notes to Today”.
  • Printed and exported PDFs now display event times in the current timezone.
  • In rare cases, the title of a project could draw on top of the notes. This has been fixed. (iOS)
  • When you toggle a checkbox, it no longer scrolls to the cursor. This was annoying if the cursor was offscreen. (iOS)
  • When entering links with markdown, sometimes the URL scheme could be lost. This has been fixed.
  • The sharing panel for overviews like “On the Agenda” now works. (Previously it only worked for projects.) (iOS)


  • You can now get the contextual menu of a note by right clicking in the title area.
  • The Delete Note option through the contextual menu would sometimes be greyed out, this should now always be available.
  • After closing the sidebar, added Categories and Projects would not appear in the sidebar. This is now fixed.
  • Fixed detection of links. Often the URL scheme (e.g. http://) would be left off, causing the links not to work.
  • Various fixes have been included to improve stability when animating panels, as well as after editing operations in sidebar and note list.
  • Expanding and collapsing notes is now more reliable through keyboard shortcuts.
  • Inserted links are now styled appropriately.
  • Notes could become excessively wide in some cases, and end up being clipped. This is fixed.
  • Fixed rare issue where paragraphs could end up out of order.
  • Stability improvements.

Version 2.2.1


  • Setting a paragraph style would not work for a last line in a note, if that line was empty. Now it does.
  • The preference to disable sound effects was being ignored in 2.2. Now it is honored.

Version 2.3 with Touch Bar support


  • Full support for touch bar on Macbook Pro


  • There is a checkbox to opt-in to our newsletter when creating an account
  • Popovers appear much faster
  • Menus are now much faster
  • Much more responsive search
  • Projects in the sidebar now correctly sort if they contain numbers in the name
  • Premium Pack prices are now shown for the local currency (Mac App Store version)
  • Resetting of an Agenda Account password is more secure, and allows you to choose the new password
  • You can use Shift-Enter or Option-Enter in addition to CTRL-Enter to insert a line break
  • Pasting text will remove empty lines
  • Pinned notes that are selected have a new look
  • You can right click notes and projects to get an Agenda Link
  • New note created for a calendar event now honour the Mark New Notes as On the Agenda preference
  • Various improvements to make the Mac and iOS app more consistent.


  • Fixed an issue where editing on two different devices without a regular sync could leave paragraphs out of order
  • Fixed an issue where in rare circumstances, you could end up with two copies of the sample data
  • An extra new line is added after any list when exporting as Markdown
  • Stability improvements for text editing
  • Words are now properly recognized in languages without spaces (eg Chinese). This fixes issues with search
  • When typing long lines of Chinese and other languages with an input manager, the note now properly resizes as you type
  • A numbered list with nested checklist will now be labelled correctly
  • Right clicking in the text editor now will not change the selection. This was leading to issues
  • Deleting multiple characters now properly resizes the note. Previously, the note would only resize on a further change.
  • Fixed an issue where an empty line could not be turned into a checklist item.
  • Fixed an issue where repeatedly hitting the plus button would crash Agenda.

Version 2.4 with Dark Mode on macOS


  • Added support for macOS 10.14 Mojave
  • Dark mode for macOS 10.13 and macOS 10.14
  • Graphite mode
  • Added preference for appearance


  • More efficient importing from Apple Notes
  • Sync when going to sleep to keep cloud data fresh
  • A large number of smaller user interface improvements and tweaks.


  • When entering links with markdown, sometimes the URL scheme could be lost. This has been fixed
  • Resolved an issue where project titles could end up overlapping the notes.
  • Fixed rare issue where paragraphs could end up out of order
  • The H2 and H3 touchbar buttons were swapped. Now they are correct.
  • Various stability improvements.

Version 2.5 with X-Callback-URL and Handoff support


  • Support for handoff between Agenda for Mac and iOS (requires Agenda for iOS 2.3 or higher)
  • Added x-callback-url support for automation and integration with 3rd party software.

To learn more about x-callback-url’s and how you can use them to automate Agenda, see: Sharing, Import, Export, and Printing - #2


  • It is now more obvious when a search or filter is active.
  • Links have a more prominent color and are therefore easier to read in dark mode.
  • Various tweaks and improvements to the dark theme.


  • Fixed print and export-to-PDF in dark mode.
  • The visible or hidden state of the related sidebar should now be restored correctly upon launching Agenda.
  • Dragged items in dark mode now have a readable title.
  • The switch popup button controlling appearance in the preference should no longer show text being grayed out.
  • The indent button in the text editor popover is working properly now.
  • The H2 and H3 touchbar buttons were still swapped. Now they are correct.
  • Various stability improvements.

Version 2.6


  • It is now possible to edit the displayed date label in the calendar popover as a way to quickly jump to a given date. Both absolute dates (e.g. “22 jan 2018”) and relative dates (e.g. “in two weeks”, or “next tuesday”) are supported (see screenshot below).
  • Agenda now restores the previously selected project and focused note when starting the application.
  • Clicking the category headings in the projects sidebar now toggles between their collapsed/expanded state, as does clicking the header of the recently edited/related notes sections in the related panel.
  • We added an item to the Note menu to remove the assigned date from a note directly without the need to go through the calendar popover.
  • Starting a paragraph with three tickmarks will change the style to preformatted.


  • The details that are automatically imported from Calendar events when creating a new note are cleaner and no longer include dial-in details for meetings.
  • When copying a note or the selected text from a note, the plain text copied now contains the complete URLs (even when displayed in shorter form inside Agenda).
  • Agenda now automatically shortens Facebook, LinkedIn, and WikiPedia links, while also being less aggressive when it comes to hiding URL parameters that can contain valuable information. Non-web URLs no longer hide the URL scheme.
  • Today’s date is now better visible in the calendar popovers.
  • Agenda now supports an additional URL scheme, agenda-notes, that can be used on systems where the default agenda URL scheme opens the system calendar app. To learn more about x-callback-url’s and how you can use them to automate Agenda, see: Sharing, Import, Export, and Printing - #2
  • Improved resolution of images in PDF print outs.
  • Various user interface tweaks and security improvements.


  • When using the light theme the show/hide button in the Projects sidebar was very difficult to see, this is now fixed.
  • More reliable behaviour of the back and forward history, and restoring of the position when switching between projects.
  • Several stability improvements.

Version 3.0 with Dark Mode on iOS


  • Added support for Dark mode on iOS, including Auto-dark mode where Agenda automatically switches between light and dark based on screen brightness (premium feature).
  • Added support for picking a custom accent color (premium feature).


  • Create Siri Shortcuts even easier by tapping the gear menu of a note or the dots next to a project title.
  • Added additional URL scheme agenda-notes that allows building x-callback-urls on devices where due to system language setting the standard agenda URL scheme opens the system calendar app.


  • Improved visibility of today’s day in the calendar.
  • Various user interface tweaks.
  • Stability improvements.

Version 4.0 with Attachments and Images


  • Attached images can be displayed at full width.


  • Attach files and images to notes.
  • Choose presentation of attachment: inline, thumbnail, thumbnail with title, and full size (premium required).
  • Preview attached files and images.
  • Open attached files in other apps.
  • Drag files into and out of Agenda.
  • Drag-and-drop attached files to move them within a note.
  • Share attached files to other apps.
  • You can use the continuity camera to insert photos or scans taken on your iPhone.
  • Services menu now works with a text selection.
  • Attach files to notes using x-callback, see these instructions


  • Renewing an expiring license is now supported.
  • There is a new menu item called Add New Note After Selected Note, which appears when holding CTRL-CMD in.
  • ⌘⌃-N now inserts a new note after the currently selected note.
  • The calendar presets table now allows double click to select-and-close.
  • Clicking a tag or person now shows a popover, where you can edit or select an action, such as search.
  • Updated sample documents for new attachments, and included some images and files.
  • The network spinner is now visible during long syncs. (iOS)
  • Agenda Community now properly adapted to the iPhone screen. (iOS)
  • Icons in the Move Note menu are now the correct size. (iOS)
  • Checklist appearance is improved in dark mode. (iOS)


  • Delegate calendars now working.
  • Drop down menus now show completely in the community page.
  • Back button and Skip now work in the welcome tour.
  • Fixed issues with adding and removing links.
  • Right click on a category now brings up a menu as it did before.
  • Layout of Add New Project menu is now improved with many projects in the list.
  • Icons in the Move Note menu are now the correct size.
  • The title of a new note could sometimes disappear. This is fixed.
  • Agenda will now open the right calendar event when multiple days are shown.
  • Dragging of Mail messages into Agenda now gives a link again.

Version 4.1 with much improved Undo


  • Undo/redo is much faster and more reliable
  • Undo/redo restores the text selection as it was
  • The app feels faster in general
  • Handling of calendars with many events is faster
  • Text is now synced before attachments, so it appears faster
  • Better clean up of temporary attachment files, which were taking up space
  • Safer and more explicit handling of note deletion. Dialog always appears, and there is a new “Delete Note” menu item
  • x-callback-url invocations now pass back results via URL parameters (eg note identifier of created note)
  • x-callback-url now properly passes errors in all cases, and the messages are more meaningful
  • Better layout of sign in controls for Agenda Account


  • Undo could make unexpected changes. That should not happen anymore
  • Continuity Camera scans now work
  • Images now appear at full resolution, instead of half resolution on occasion
  • Images in exported PDFs are no longer blurry
  • Less freezes during sync
  • Even more robust sync
  • Copying a note or text with attachments to another project now retains the attachments
  • The menu item “Paste and Match Style” now works again
  • Copying a file in Finder and pasting in Agenda now adds it as an attachment, instead of just the icon
  • When deleting a whole line, the selection is now properly updated afterwards
1 Like

Version 5.0 with Custom Line Spacing

New Premium


  • You can now choose extra small text size
  • The Move To menu now offers the option of creating a new project
  • You can now edit the project title by double clicking at the top of the notes list
  • Pressing Esc stops editing a note
  • You can now use arrow keys to navigate the whole app with the keyboard
  • Now support multi-tag and multi-person search
  • Added keyboard navigation to the calendar picker
  • Added Go to Today and Go to Selected menu items to the View menu
  • Added a hidden preference that allows to use the blue accent color on Mojave instead of the default Agenda orange.


  • Better handling of existing links used in combination with markdown link format
  • The projects sidebar now appears when adding a new project if it is collapsed
  • Block quotes in exported markdown now include a space rather than a tab
  • The shortcut to QuickLook an attachment is now Option-click, not Command-click
  • If you make a saved search from a #due tag, you can opt to have a relative date
  • Pressing enter on an empty, indented list item will now outdent
  • Pressing enter on an empty un-indented list item will return to body style
  • QuickLook is now more reliable. Could sometimes appear with an empty window
  • Improvements to keyboard navigation of the project sidebar
  • Notes created with 3D touch now honor the default on-the-agenda setting (iOS)
  • On small devices we now try to minimise the space the assigned date is taken in order to maximise the length of the note title. (iOS)


  • Files exported from Agenda would be locked and difficult to remove. Fixed
  • Text entry on Asian keypads could result in doubly-entered text. This is fixed. (iOS)
  • Continuity Camera now works
  • Moving notes with attachments between projects preserves the attachments
  • https links could sometimes become http. This has been fixed
  • Collapse and expansion of notes works much better
  • Exporting and sharing of notes with slashes in the title is now properly handled
  • Dragging a mail message in now shows the subject, rather than just “Show in Mail…”
  • Copy As > Markdown now takes the selected text when there is a selection
  • Pressing enter with cursor at the end of a starred line will now behave as expected
  • Search bar could sometimes hide that there was any filter. Fixed
  • Corrected an issue where uncollapsing notes on a different device would show as empty
  • Fixed an issue where suggested corrections were inserted without a trailing space (iOS)

Version 5.1



  • Data for a deleted project is now moved to the Trash in Finder instead of being immediately deleted (macOS)
  • When adding an image to Agenda, the original file will be used instead of converting to PNG
  • Improved appearance of popup menus in app settings (iOS)
  • Mail messages that get dropped now show a link with the subject, rather than “Show in Mail…” (iOS)


  • The selection now updates properly when using Link To
  • A tag at the end of the line could cause loss of paragraph style when entering a new line. Fixed
  • Sometimes text could be cut off at the bottom when ending editing in a note. Fixed
  • iCloud sync would sometimes not transfer some projects after clearing the cloud data. Fixed
  • Assorted fixes for crashes
  • A tag at the end of the line could cause loss of paragraph style when entering a new line. Fixed (iOS)
  • Sometime text could be cut off at the bottom when ending editing in a note. Fixed (iOS)
  • Sometimes the Continue button could fail to appear in the welcome screens. Fixed (iOS)
  • iCloud sync would sometimes not transfer some projects after clearing the cloud data. Fixed (iOS)
  • Prevent crashes when switching between apps, and in split screen on iPad. (iOS)
  • Assorted fixes for crashes

Version 5.2 with Evernote Import and much faster text editing


  • Import of Evernote (.enex) files, see below.


  • Much faster text editing, particularly for long notes.
  • Much more efficient handling of calendar events.


  • On rare occasions, a project might not sync until a new change is made. This is fixed.
  • Preventing a crash on systems where the Avenir font was either corrupted or removed.
  • More reliable App Store receipt handling.

It’s now possible to import from Evernote by following the same instructions as exporting to Apple Notes in the article below:

Version 5.3 with Dropbox Support


  • You can now choose to sync via Dropbox in the Preferences.


  • More stable in-app purchase
  • Text editing speed up


  • Notes would sometimes not refresh after syncing the title, date, or on-the-agenda status from another device. Now they do.
  • There are fixes for importing some Evernote files that were crashing Agenda.
  • The CPU usage could sometimes stay at 100% during sync for extended periods. This is fixed.
  • Edits to the title could sometimes get lost. Fixed
  • The warning that you need to update could appear repeatedly. This should not happen now
  • More fixes for importing some Evernote files that were crashing Agenda

Version 5.4


  • More stable in-app purchase
  • Text editing speed up


  • Notes could open at the wrong size. This is fixed
  • Stability fixes for Evernote import

Version 6.0 with Reminders Integration


  • Create Quick Reminders in the Related Info panel, without having to attach them to any note
  • Edit reminders directly in the timeline of the Related Info panel
  • Quickly reschedule reminders directly from the Related Info timeline


  • Full integration with Apple’s Reminders app
  • Create and edit reminders directly in the text of your notes
  • Inserts a link to bring you directly from Reminders app back to your Agenda note
  • Enter text commands like “\remind(tomorrow)” to add new reminders
  • Release Notes are now accessible via the Help menu
  • You can now enter tabs using Option-Tab. Good for aligning text in columns


  • The calendar timeline in the Related Info pane now has infinite scrolling
  • You can now link multiple notes to the same calendar event
  • Much improved keyboard accessory bar on iOS, including a keyboard dismiss button
  • The macOS app has a new icon
  • Dropbox sync is much faster
  • The interface for interacting with the calendar is refined, including date picking, event editing, and the Related Info panel
  • Refined appearance for the date controls in note headers
  • You can now enter tabs using Option-Tab. Good for aligning text in columns
  • Fixed issues with copy and paste where sometimes text would be duplicated or more text pasted than expected
  • Various icon, dark mode, and user interface tweaks
  • Improved behaviour of automatic date parsing during reminder and event editing
  • We no longer animate the expanding of the searchfield when the reduce motion accessibility option is enabled (iOS)


  • Fixes to prevent iCloud and Dropbox sync from stalling
  • More reliable calendar interaction
  • Notes could sometimes appear in Recently Edited after making no edit. Fixed
  • Fixed issues with copy and paste where sometimes text would be duplicated or more text pasted than expected
  • Fixed insertion of reminder at the end of a paragraph for a multiple character selection
  • Fixed an issue where some text attributes (e.g. bold) would be lost when backspacing to the start of a list item
  • Fixed an issue where tapping a checklist item would sometimes jump the view back to where the insertion point is blinking
  • Fix to prevent first heading disappearing when using shortcuts
  • Fix to make sure Agenda shows the app store page when you click Update when presented with an update warning (iOS)
  • More reliable note resizing
  • Numbered lists with more than 99 items were badly formatted. This is fixed

A two minute introduction to Reminders support in Agenda.