Other sync solution than iCloud needed

+1 for supporting local files sync


+1. I’m in the same boat. I have work-approved cloud storage where I could storage an Agenda file, but using my personal iCloud space is a no-no.


Even when you have a work iCloud account and a personal iCloud account, this doesn’t solve the issue. MacOS user account always has a ‘dominant’ iCloud account.

+1 for the separate personal and work computer :thinking:


+1 for that. I finally managed to purchase Agenda (techn. difficulties), just to realise, I can’t use it on both devices properly. I got two iCloud accounts, one for work, one private.


I’m ramping up my use of Agenda and my need to use multiple iCloud accounts is becoming a hindrance. I don’t have any particular privacy or security concerns; I just have a situation where I want to sync all my notes to all my devices but I have to keep using these two iCloud accounts. I realize you don’t want to be in the business of rolling your own sync, but I guess I hope the product grows financially to where it’s viable to sync via Agenda account or some other workaround.


This sounds like something that collaboration would fix, rather than another sync platform

I would call sharing with ones self a workaround, not a complete feature. It may work, but it’s not elegant as an experience.

+1 I also use different iCloud accounts for home and work computers, and my iPhone - which I pay for, but like MANY employees in tech, I also need to use for work, heavily, is not going to be on my work iCloud account. I am a new customer trying to decide whether to jump into this solution - this is important to me. If Agenda could simply authenticate using my Agenda account credentials, and then associate my (single) Agenda account with any (single) iCloud account as my storage solution - regardless of what iCloud account my device/computer is signed into, I could happily use it on any endpoint. For users who don’t need this flexibility, it should just default to using whatever iCloud account is on your device, but just give us a way to change to a different iCloud account in app prefs.


I’d be happy to use collaboration as a workaround for this so long as they auto-updated, showed in the sidebars of both accounts, etc.

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Collaborating with yourself would be a random work around, however the michael.hopkins was referring to using multiple iCloud accounts. From a system point of view that is two different people.

…and then associate my (single) Agenda account with any (single) iCloud account as my storage solution - regardless of what iCloud account my device/computer is signed into

This would require a fundamental change to iCloud, not Agenda.

Hi all,

My new work machine has an image shipped by my company that by default disables iCloud integration — among other things.

I’d really appreciate having a fallback sync solution as of now Agenda is virtually useless for my daily work — and I miss it a lot.


+1 for iCloud alternative. Corporate Amazon devices do not allow iCloud Drive. That’s a huge pool of potential users!

Same issue regarding corp policy

+1 for alternative sync services.
iCloud is not used at my workplce. Only Dropbox… Corp policy as mentioned by others.

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Another thought: what if an Agenda Project could be stored at an alternate location, e.g. in a folder specified via the iOS-standard Document Picker. Then any compliant file provider app would become an eligible storage location. That fits the bill for my use, since work supplies access to a blessed file sharing service, including an iOS app with file provider support.

In my case, what I do actually want is the ability for the iOS app to have multiple supported storage locations. I’d be fine with iCloud-as-default (e.g. for personal notes) and per-project settings via file providers (e.g. for work notes). It’s definitely a second-best case to switch all of Agenda to work use, but I’d absolutely take that over the current iCloud-only approach.

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Sharing/collaboration could be a method for storing projects with different services? Person A uses iCloud. Person B uses Dropbox. Person A shares/collaborates a project with Person B. The project sits on iCloud.

I wonder what Germany requires of international companies that are partly in Germany?

And what about international travel? If traveling the data is stored on traveling devices, and perhaps stored part-tine on outside servers while out of Germany.

I cannot use icloud on my work laptop too. Would love to have an option to save the library to a file, so I can put it on Dropbox.

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Think saving the file somewhere else is only an option on the Mac. Don’t think it would give access on iOS.

We do want to add true Dropbox sync at some point. Just have to get to it.


Though I have no idea on how Agenda syncing internal systems works, I’ve seen other apps use file-based methods with sync capability e.g. Quiver (another note taking app), 1Password (old version, not sure about newest version), Pixave (see their help section here → http://littlehj.com/wordpress/?page_id=610)


In theory or system should be capable to rely on file based sync on say dropbox as it started of from the same foundation as Findings, which has been doing this since the beginning. However given we decided to go with iCloud it has never been further developed or tested in the case of Agenda so it would require quite a bit of both. As Drew mentioned, we like to add this but we just have to get to it.