Opening projects in new windows

Looking forward to it!

As a work around, I sometime have Agenda open on my iPad as reference, while composing an Agenda note on my Mac. I avoid actively working on both devices at the same time in case of conflicts - no problems so far.


When I am writing my business guidebooks this kind of separate window option would be really useful for me too.

Well argued Tresbo!


Good point Markus - I was really surprised that I could not open separate windows.

The other functions in this app are great but having different notes open would be REALLY helpful to my workflow.

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We have ideas about this. Stay tuned!


Sorry to gravedig this topic, but Iā€™m adding my vote in here.

Sometimes you just need to read from one thing while you type in another. Projects are often related to one another, after all.


Part of why I would like to see multiple windows is as an ocassional spaces user. I tend to seperate my spaces by active commitments, I would greatly appreciate the ability to swipe to a neighbouring space and already have a project open to just the position I need. Another +1 for pop-out and multiple window support! All the Best, L.

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ā€¦ and moreover, for that you would need to have these notes (or projects) side-by-side, rather than one above the other (as would happen if they are both, say, on the Agenda).

As I mentioned in the other post:


Great news! Thanks for the update.

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+1 for multiple windows:

  • Because I need to cross-reference topics in a number of notes
  • Drag and Drop between notes and projects, something I do a lot of when Iā€™m organising my day, Iā€™m not sure how else youā€™d do this with any degree of elegance. Currently Iā€™m using cut/copy/paste, itā€™s not great.

Upvote for the multiple windows.

Use case: having multiple spaces setup in Mission Control with each being designated to some particular objective. Agenda could be part of those multiple objectives but with only single window available one would have to constantly switch between Spaces in order to access Agenda window.

Navigating projects/notes within single Agenda window works great but that doesnā€™t address situations such as the one above.

Opening an App twice or more is now part of iOS 13. if the App supports it. (Just slide and app from dock over or beside the current app.) Hope Agenda will support that soon.

Itā€™s something we want to do. Sounds easy, but actually a bit tricky. Imagine you open the same note in two windows. Now we have to keep them in sync directly as you type. So we have other ideas about it. Stay tuned!

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I bet itā€™s not easy. Keep up the great work.



+1 I would love to have this for my workflow. I transitioned from Things, which was also helpful to have multiple windows.

  • I also use multiple spaces and would like to have different notes open to each spaceā€™s purpose.
  • Additionally, when going through ToDoā€™s or whatā€™s next, I cross reference between many notes. Going back and forth between many projects in one window makes this cumbersome.

I also prefer a 2nd window instead of tabs however, I donā€™t know how this would effect performance, I also donā€™t ever expect below history Nav suggestion, since there are other priorities, but its there for the taking. Disclaimer: This feature doesnā€™t exist. On 2nd thoughts, after further Agenda use, the Recently Edited panel is probably more efficient.

Iā€™m also on Team Multiple Windows. I have a big screen with multiple OS X Desktops open; I have one Desktop set up as my ā€œplanner bookā€, with Things and Agenda. I keep two Things windows open at all times: one locked to Today, plus a second window with the view sidebar open (most often set to Upcoming). I would love to do the same thing with Agenda, with one window always set to On The Agenda, and another with the view sidebar so I can switch between projects.

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Would be nice. Thanks for the feedback!

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I am new to agenda and was trying to figure out how to own an additional window. I came here after I gave up :joy:
When will this be released?

We donā€™t have an ETA yet, itā€™s among the items at the top of the list, but not yet in the top three.