Manual sorting

Having now spent quite a few hours running Agenda in parallel with my usual project management system – for precisely the reasons you specify in your “Navigating Your Notes” introductory topic – that it really does need a manual sort order option, ideally configurable for each project. That’s because projects are indeed “non-linear”, but by limiting sorting to ascending/descending dates only, you’re actually imposing a very strict linear order on the notes within each project. This can only be obviated by using irritating workarounds, like arbitrarily changing the date on notes.

I honestly think this would transform Agenda into a seriously impressive project management machine!

Notes can already be reordered manually, but we apply a chronological constraint. If a note has no date, it can be dragged anywhere. If a note has a date, it has to remain in order, though notes on the same date should be exchangeable.

This is already quite powerful. I think it is more a question of finding a good system for which notes get a date, and which don’t. For example, a meeting on a given date probably gets a date, but an ongoing list of tasks may not.

The risk with allowing notes with dates to be dragged out of order is that the dates become pretty pointless. They can still be used for filtering, but in that scenario you could just as easily do without them, perhaps using a textual date instead. But that would be exactly what we already have if you simply don’t use dates with your notes. Ie you can already do this if you want to.

Anyway, it is good feedback. I’m sure it’ll come up in future, but it is something we would need to think very carefully about before changing.

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That’s very good to know – thanks. It could make a huge difference to the way I use Agenda.

BUT… maybe I’m being really stupid, but I can currently find no way of deleting a date from a note once I’ve allocated one. Can you advise?


BUT… maybe I’m being really stupid, but I can currently find no way of deleting a date from a note once I’ve allocated one. Can you advise?

In the calendar popover you can click on the selected date a second time or click anywhere in the gray part of the calendar, then click Save

I also have a stupid question: I incorrectly attached a note to a calendar event. Is there a way to remove such connection? Thanks!

I incorrectly attached a note to a calendar event. Is there a way to remove such connection?

The same way, by clicking in the calendar to reset the day and hit save. Or by clicking the highlighted event in the calendar popover a second time and hit save.

ah ok, that works well. I was clicking the icon of linked note and it didn’t work :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am looking for a program that will help me sort projects for my business.
I need a top note that describes the General info and description for the project and then set a timeline for meeting the steps towards completion.
Will Agenda work well for this?

I need a top note that describes the General info and description for the project and then set a timeline for meeting the steps towards completion.
Will Agenda work well for this?

It’s definitely built with this use case in mind and you can drag notes to the top. We don’t have a way yet to pin a note to the top (which is what you would then use to have that general info and description at the top), this is something we have on our to do list (see Ability to Pin Notes to the top of a project)

Update: Today’s 2.0 update allows you to pin important notes or a description at the top of the project (requires the premium features):
