Images: Insert images in text

Certainly, when we add images to the iOS app, I would expect that to be possible. Thanks for the feedback!

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Just wanted to +1 this as well. I’d use the hell out of this feature :slight_smile:

I am also Bear user and it very difficult to change to Agenda without photo importing.

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Mirroring what this user says. I use Bear primarily now, in fact I am typing this as I mirgrate Bear notes over to Agenda…and noticed my images were incing as text links. We really need the inline image feature!

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Another +1 here. Lack of inline images is the biggest blocker to me fully converting to Agenda.

UPDATE: We wanted to let you know we’ll make this our top priority the moment the iOS version of Agenda is out: The features we are working on right now…


+1 migrating from bear too, need to keep the images

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Another +1 from me. I know that the iOS app is bigger for the Agenda team, but personally I only really use my laptop and desktop for heavy duty note taking so that is of little interest to me. Over the past few days I have been switching between tests of Agenda, Bear and Apple Notes and Agenda is so so near. It’s my preferred (including paying for premium) but without images it’s a non-starter as a keeper.


Agenda is beautiful and innovative. It has the potential to replace the many apps I use for tasks, reminders, and notes (mainly Bear, NotePlan, Evernote, Apple Notes, and Todoist).

But inline images are crucial for me. As is an iOS version to be able to access my data on the go. I’m dying to move everything over to Agenda, but until these 2 features are introduced, I’ll have to wait!

I agree, I NEED the possibility of adding inline images.

I prefer to see the image embedded in the text as it illustrates the “story” of what Im researching. Dont want to have to open another tool…

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Understood. Inline images are a high priority for us, and we will be adding that feature as soon as we can after we finish the iOS app.


Strong +1 on this one. Inserting images, files (e.g. PDFs), and even being able to sketch in Agenda are high on my list. Probably the last barrier to keeping me from adopting it fully. I’d suggest attachments first and foremost… I can live with using something like Paper to do my sketches. But it would be great to have some basic sketching capabilities so I don’t have to leave the app…


Thanks. And while I’m thinking of it. The reason I’m switching from Apple Notes is because it started giving me the Rainbow ball and Apple cannot tell me why. Ive spent hours trying to fix what is causing it. So now I’m off the cloud and only using notes on my local system. So if you can build in the ability to export all files to strip out any code that may have copied in from another program. And to re-import. I cannot export out of Apple notes so thats not an option. We are guessing I somehow got a corrupted file. Out of 4500 indepth research notes its like finding a needle in a haystack. So hurry up (lol) I’m ready to switch but cannot until you have hierarchical folders and include PDFS and inline graphics. Thanks You guys are doing amazing. Keep up the good work.

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First thanks for the great product. It’s been my go to for my grad notes. It would really be wonderful to have image support from desktop app.

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+1! Really look forward to that!
And this project is definately the best one I have ever used. Thanks for your guys’ work!

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I second that. Great application to keep progress notes on technical projects and analysis, but definitely need image (JPEG/PNG) insertion for screenshots etc. in the text as part of the document. This is my number one concern right now and really limits my usage of the software. Otherwise it’s already pretty awesome!


That’s a high priority for us too. Just have to get the iOS app out, and we will turn our focus to images and attachments.


Is it possible to give us an idea when we can expect inline images and attachments in Agenda? I really like the app, but i’m constantly moving back to Apple Notes because of this missing functionality. If its something that will still be months away before we get it, i’m not sure i’ll stay with Agenda but move everything back to Notes.

I can’t give you an exact schedule, because software development rarely goes exactly to plan. What I can say is that we are currently working on the iOS app. It is our top priority, and is due for release first half of 2018. The next major project after that is inline images and attachments. It will likely be several months before you can expect to see it, because even just implementing it well will take us a month or two of development time.