Drew, I just started using Agenda for Mac today, and one of the things I’ll be using it for is to track the development of project-related documents. Unfortunately, Agenda doesn’t have a command to link a file on my local hard drive (document in progress) to a specific note. I’ve devised a workaround that others with a similar need may find useful.
First, use Finder to locate the file.
Second, right click on the file and hold down the Option key.
Third, select “Copy ‘filename’ as Pathname.
Fourth, go to the Note to which you want to link the file, select some appropriate text, and select the “Link to…” command under the “Note” menu.
Fifth, in the text box that appears, type “file:” (without quotes) and paste the filename.
Now when you click on the blue text, the folder containing your file opens, with the file highlighted.
Although it takes a few more steps than a built-in command, it does the trick.
Hi, I’m Michel and I’m using agenda since a few days. I really like it so far. Maybe you can help me with a small issue I have. Drag and drop from Files-App on iOS to create a link doesn’t work for me.
Thanks for helping me.
Perhaps Mindnode is using a folder rather than a file. You can see this in Finder if you right click on the mindnode file, and choose Show Package Contents.
Agenda can’t currently import folders, but you could zip it and import it. You right click on the file, choose Compress, and then import the zipped file.