Can Agenda be used in a browser on a PC

I can’t seem to find any answers on if this app is able to be used on a browser that is not a MAC. For example if I download Safari on my PC, would I be able to use Agenda from there? My personal computer is Mac but work is PC and would like to be abel to access while at work.


Agenda is (currently) a standalone app supported on both the macOS and iOS platforms only. It doesn’t run in any browser, although I have read some comments from the developers that suggested that might be a future option.

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Browser interface is a must have or a stand alone app for Windows. Cannot be expected to type into one’s phone.

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As @kemer.thomson mentions, we have not made a decision about other platforms yet. It is possible we will do something for Windows, but no decision has been made and other things like inline images support do have our priority at the moment.

Great, thank you! Looking forward to some form of browser access support.
At the office, we are on PCs, much easier to be able to use browser to update/view Agenda. (Or we are kinda being seen as ‘on the phone’ all the time. :slight_smile: ) Keep up the great work!! Love the app!

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+1 for browser app version. Is there a place where people can vote on features?


We’re not big believers of a “you vote and we build” approach, but by indeed registering your support for a certain feature they way you’ve just done, you definitely influence what we’ll work on.


I second this vote for Windows App or Web version.


Third-ed. I’ll admit it’s not a super high priority, but it’s definitely a feature I’d get use from.

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I would also love to see a Windows (or even an Android) version. I use a Mac, but in the office we have PCs and I don’t always want to take my Mac with me. But maybe have a browser version first? I realise, as you said as well, that this is not high priority right now, but down the line it would be awesome.


I’d like to see a browser-based view, much like MS does with OneNote. This will allow the service to be cross-platform. Many of us use both Macs and Windows (etc.). Thanks!


I’d also appreciate a web based interface.

I’m required to work cross platform. I’d love the ability to access and edit data right from the PC workstation in a browser window, rather than having to roll the chair over to the MacBook - takes noticeably more time, which when you constantly need to access your notes makes it a hassle.


Here’s another attempt to influence your work: A browser-based version would be great!
I love my mac but at work I am forced to use a Windows PC.

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I have just discovered this app and it is honestly live changing for managing my ADHD brain. I would also love to be able to access it from a PC, as others have stated, given that I use a PC for work and don’t want to constantly be on my phone getting my agenda in order. Even if we could log in from a PC browser that would be great. I am willing to pay for this feature!

Thank you,


While we would love to bring the option one day it’s not something we can promise in the immediate future I’m afraid, see also The features we are working on right now…

My Mac became unusable, and I had everything in the cloud - documents, everything.
Except Agenda… And this is quite painful not being able to have access to my primary business organizer. Therefore I have to think about replacements.

Data Scientist here, I run a tun of meetings, I’m autistic, and Agenda is a live saver for me. I have a macbook that I keep nearby for my use of Agenda specifically, that’s how impactful it is. Most of my work is done on a multi-monitor windows set up for work. I understand its a huge undertaking, I’m noting a lot of chatter about this in some of our local slack channels, but with the lack of drive or urgency to have Agenda be accessible on other platforms beyond iOS has become a bigger talking point than the pros of the app itself. Not being able to access Agenda in any capacity on my desktop is like losing my brain. Especially as a paying customer, I would strongly recommend Agenda raises the price of its incredibly innovative product (would totally pay more if it meant you got more platforms available, even bare bones) and hire more staff or see if Y-Combinator can help get some ground swell, before Agenda becomes the Fez of the app community.

Nothing but respect, your app is superb, and I just want more of it.

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A browser option would allow me to fully utilize your amazing product. I would be able to purchase for my team and coordinate/collaborate projects much more efficiently. I don’t want to search for other options since I find yours to be the best.

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I too, love your product, but stop using it at times because it does not allow me to very easily access and integrate the integrations with Windows. A browser app would be wonderful if you don’t want to make a Windows version. I realize you guys drank the Apple Kool-Aid, and I love Apple products, but they do not always jive with the business world.

Another user mentioned their willingness to pay for a cross-platform app at fair subscription prices. I too, would gladly buy this for my entire team. I realize Agenda is probably looking to get bought up by Apple or some big boy, but I also want to mention that if someone develops your app’s capabilities with cross-platform capabilities before you sell out, I think you are screwed. It appears that may be the gamble that you are willing to take. I would like to see your company succeed and continue with Agenda and be able to do what I need to with it. Please add me to another one of the growing list of people frustrated that you won’t do this. Thanks for listening.

I can totally understand why you’d believe all this, but I’m afraid it’s not the “why”, nor the motivation. For that have a look at this post and its comments (and the video it contains if you like to learn even more about our choices etc):

It also refers to this post that goes in more detail: