Week Numbers in Agenda

Would be great if we could have week numbers. For me I consider this a must…


+1 for an OPTION to turn this on/off


Thanks for the feedback, we’ll think about adding that option.


Any updates on the week numbers?

Where exactly would you’d like it to appear?

I needed the current week number, too. So I have added a template that adds a nice calendar week tag at the top of each note created from this template: \date(format: '#KW'ww)

What’s extra nice is, that I can click on e.g. #KW18 and start a search to see all the notes, that I have created in week number 18.

KW is a common abbreviation for Kalenderwoche (week number) in German. :wink:


Great tip @Jander!

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I think that number would confuse a lot of people, but in the next update the tooltip when hovering over a day in the inspector will tell you the week number:

Screenshot 2021-05-21 at 10.06.52

I know that a lot of people here in Germany refer to something as being done in Week 33. The need to hover and double check would probably be very cumbersome in these situations. I think the best way to have it, without cluttering the interface too much, is to allow users to show week numbers in the calendar picker view that opens when clicking on the calendar icon in the right sidebar.

Sorry, for now this is the improvement we’ll leave it with. We have to carefully weigh all preferences we add to avoid ending up with just endless options in the preferences.

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Update: I’ve come around after looking how it could fit and you’ll be pleased to know that Agenda 13.1 will include the option to show the week number permanently in the inspector.


Thanks! That will be useful to many.

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@mekentosj : Hi Alex, I just checked the calendar week display in the new beta. It works fine on my Mac but not on my iPhone and iPad. On iPhone and iPad, the week number is wrong. Instead of calendar week 21 for this week it shows calendar week 5.

Best regards

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Duh, good catch, should be fixed in the next beta!

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For me, that’s perfectly ok. But if you are already fixing this feature, you might as well consider to use the correct abbreviations: Instead of the current “W”, use “CW” for Calendar Week in the English version or “KW” for Kalenderwoche in the German version.

And by the way, many thanks for the many error corrections and improvements.


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We follow the way this is displayed in the Calendar app, which uses W when in English.

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OK, I didn’t know that the English version of the Calendar app uses the “W”. The German version of the Calendar app uses the abbreviation “KW”, which is the common form in Germany.

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I’ve just fixed the German abbreviation indeed.


Super, :pray: