Web version of agenda

I think you can rest easy. We have no plans to change this. Agenda is a native note taking app. Though we may add other sync or collaboration options, they would be opt in, and iCloud would remain an option.

Glad to hear this.

I understand that Agenda already has an option to integrate with dropbox, and that is great, because people that prefer it can do so, and those that donā€™t, donā€™t need to share their data with dropbox.
I was just worried what a Web version might mean.

Thank you for helping reduce my fears.

In our case, a web version would be an extra option. We wonā€™t be transitioning into a web based app first and foremost.

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+1 for web and +10 for Linux app.
I love Agenda but Iā€™m switch my mac to Linux and I need my notes :slight_smile:

I feel like the less, the better. Iā€™m quite tired of having so many apps, so many different workflows and finally giving up on them. I am a visual person and I have ADHD, so I decided to find an app being built around whiteboards/canvas. I decided to go for kosmik, because they are focusing in adding as many card options as possible, and this include web-cards (and they donā€™t suffer from iframe issues). I also enjoy their take on design, it is kinda skeuomorphism.
Anyway, I was looking to integrate Agenda with kosmik, but they are such niche apps so I think it wouldnā€™t be a feature considered by the team of both apps. Therefore, I think it would be nice to have an agenda web app; kosmik already have their web app version and are including collaboration. It would also be nice to embed web links so in agenda notes so we can see our kosmik canvas in agenda too. Hope you consider that feature! Thanks, I want to stick to agenda and not migrate to other apps.

However, if you feel like working with kosmik team to integrate a way to view agenda notes direct on it, Iā€™m not going to complain :stuck_out_tongue:. They added the possibility to add figma boards so farā€¦


Thanks for the feedback!

We would like to have a web app too, but it is a big step for a 100% native app to move to the cloud. Itā€™s really a completely different thing, so not trivial at all. Most companies doing this are venture funded startups with bigger teams, and a propensity to sell your stuff to Facebook :slight_smile:

In conclusion, we hope to do it, but we want to make the native experience better in some areas first.


An update on what I thought about this feature request.
I know building a web app is hard, however, like I said, my plan is to integrate Agenda with Kosmik. Kosmik 2.0 is coming soon (beta by the end of march) and plans to full release in June. Iā€™m completely going to keep an Agena + Kosmik system while leaving obsidian behind.
Therefore, just a web viewer would be enough for me. Pretty much like obsidian publisher or similarā€¦ I donā€™t need the full text experience, just a viewer. Wouldnā€™t ming paying for it either, considering it fits my needs.

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I would like to use Agenda at work. Unfortunately I cannot use a Mac and using my personal iPhone to take notes during meetings and throughout the day is just unpractical.

A web version of Agenda would solve all of this. Currently using Craft but itā€™s nowhere as useful as Agenda would be.

I came to Agenda after wasting a year trying out Craft while continuing to use Bear. I had looked at Agenda in 2020 but at that point it was feature short for what I needed, though I really liked the concept. So in 2023 I had another look at Agenda. I liked the focus given to its development as discovered in the release notes, the fact that it was a small dev team with no VC funding to influence development decisions like attempting to be a jack of all trades on a multiple platforms.

Personally I would prefer that development stay between the lines and keep doing what they are; building a feature rich notes app hiding in a minimalist UI for the Apple platform.


Would love to see a web app for sure. Being a windows and Linux user alongside iOS this would be perfect for my needs.

This app for me has potential to replace what I currently use which is a bit of a mixed bag of apps!

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