Way to auto-close unused categories?

Hey all,
I’ve been following some kind of johnny decimal approach for a while with Agenda. I now have a lot of categories, with a lot of notes inside them. It feels very organized, which I like, but sometimes it takes me a while to situate myself.
In this approach, when you want to work with a particular note, you first identify the top-level category in which it should be located, then the project in which it should be located, then you find the note (because it always is where it should be located). It’s granular, manual sorting, basically.
My issue is that when you work like that for a while, many categories end up opened in the sidebar, showing lots of projects. The sidebar content gets very long, and when you want to locate another note it’s hard to find where to start. In that situation the easiest way forward is to close all categories and start from there.
So I’m wondering, is there a way to auto-close unused categories in the sidebar, i.e. only having opened the category that contains the currently active note in the main area? That would prevent the sidebar content from getting overwhelming.
If not, is there a keyboard shortcut to close all categories at once in the sidebar? (that could also help a lot)

I don’t think there is any way to do this. In fact, I don’t even think there is a menu option of collapsing a category, because it doesn’t have a selected mode. You have to click on it to expand/collapse.

We’ll take it a long. Thanks for suggestion!

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I find the ‘recently edited’ button (clock icon) at the bottom of the left side bar helpful in similar situation.

I’m not sure how long ‘recently’ is though!

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I’ve just (re-)discovered the ‘recent items’ button has a pop up menu (on Mac at least):
Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 13.37.44

Playing with it, it seems that “Edited This Week” is actually “Edited in Last 7 days”. Is this the case @drewmccormack? And similar for Month? How recent is Recently Visited and Edited?

I really should make more use of this, but would like to know the actual parameters so I can have confidence I’m not overlooking notes.


Wow, I’ve been using Agenda for several years and am only now getting to know this pop up :sweat_smile:
It also exists on the iPhone and will make me a little happier.
Thanks for the new release. :grin:

Found here under… Recent Projects

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Yes, it will be the last 7 days for “this week”. It will not be calculating the start of the week etc, I doubt.

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