Using iOS Shortcuts to connect Agenda and Omnifocus

Tim Stringer pointed us to an interview he recently did for his website Learn OmniFocus with Agenda user @heyscottyj who you might have already seen sharing his workflow in which he combines Agenda and Omnifocus. Scotty Jackson works in a corporate environment and has a long history with OmniFocus and GTD. In the video below you can see his impressive Siri Shortcuts in-action, a must-see if like him you are a fan of both apps (the relevant segment starts at 45:33):

A big thanks to both Tim and Scotty!


This looks great and I tried it out but I get a callback error. Anyone know how to fix this?

Thought I’d update here that I’ve created a new Shortcuts! It uses the new OmniFocus 3.4 Shortcut actions to assemble content.

OF due/overdue, flagged and available, and Forecast-tagged and available actions are combined with calendar and weather data to assemble a daily journal. I also made a second Shortcut that opens today’s entry for quick reference through the day.

You can read about and grab both here.

I’m also working on rebuilding the Shortcut notes above with all the iOS 13 changes and action updates. Stay tuned!




Awesome, thanks for sharing!

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I’ve modified this script to make the list of items from OmniFocus into links - you can tap them and be taken to the item within OmniFocus to check it off. I also changed the item list in Agenda to be checkmarks, so you can tap them there to indicate you’ve taken care of something.

Here’s a link to my revision of the shortcut:

Thanks for the solid foundation work on this, I’ve found it very handy.

  • Robert

Both of these shortcuts sound fantastic—thanks for sharing!

Am I missing some step of configuration of the shortcut? Both of them run, open Agenda, but don’t actually create a note.

I tend to run in to that if the flow is trying to create a note in a project in Agenda that doesn’t exist.

I’d look through the Shortcut and make sure that the project being used for notes exists with the same spelling in Agenda.

Happy to help troubleshoot if needed!


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That was it! It was looking for a daily journal project. Added one and voila. This is an awesome trick. Thanks again for sharing.


Awesome! Glad everything is working!