Today’s Calendar - always visible?

Doesn’t work for me too

Update: I’ve been fighting the split view pretty much the whole day but think I have found a solution, could you give the 2.5 beta that we just pushed out a try and let us know if that indeed fixes things?

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Seems to be open always when open after quitting! Thanks, @mekentosj!
But the size of the window size is not the same as it was when quitting. I have not found out the syystem behind it but it changes to a different size after restarting the app. Try it: Reize the app window to big, or an unusual size (like very wide but not high), qit, and then start again the app …

Unfortunately it seems to be an either/or story for technical reasons, either have the app restore the shown/hidden state of the sidebars or correctly restoring the same window size. It should now always do the first, but not always do the latter alas. I’ll try one more trick I’ve just thought of, but not sure if we can achieve both.

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For me it is not a bug has to get fixed soon or later, so a prio "less than 3“ ;-). Take care of other, more important things :-)!