Tags, People, Emoji's, Text Actions and Links

This isn’t yet possible, you’ll find more discussion on it here:


+1, it would be wonderful to have a list of tags


You read our minds. Should be in one of the major updates this year. Stay tuned!


Hi guys! Could you please give us an update concerning tag (#, @) autocompletion and an estimated timeline? Making mistakes here leads to frustrating search attempts…

We commented on it yesterday, see here Autocomplete of tags - #50


Hi there,

Reading the instructions it should be possible to use symbols in tags, but what symbols are prohibited? For instance the $ cannot be used, but I can’t find out if this is expected behavior or a bug.


At the moment indeed currently you can only use standard letter and number characters plus underscores and dashes. In the next update we’ll bring major improvements to tags which also allows a way to have any symbol in a tag that you want, including spaces and dollar signs.


I’m surprised a Tag Browser and Tag Completion function hasn’t been implemented given how much Tag is touted as one of the main organising tool.

You will be surprised no more…working on it now.


Hi all, don’t know if I missed something, in which case I apologize… I was thinking it could be helpful, in version 14, to add also a People browser like the one that was added for Tags.
Do you see it possible?

A people browser is next on the list indeed, stay tuned!


Note that the due tag is just an example of a type of tag you can create with dates as values. The keyword is up to you, can also be say deadline(2 days) .

I’ve been trying this feature and unfortunately it doesn’t work with tags other than ‘due’ for me. For example "WAITING(28 April 2022)” doesn’t work for me. When I change the tag to ‘due’ it works fine

You should be able to search on all waiting tags and/or all waiting tags marked with 28 April. The due tag is indeed unique in that it will search for all tags up to and including for example 28 April.

Great. Thanks. It wasn’t obvious to me from the article that “up to” only worked with the due tag, but now understood.

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Deleting tags

Any chance the new formatting options in the coming Agenda 15 update might also include improvements in the tables?
I was thinking the ability to use some features like checklists etc. would be handy in table format to make the most of space on a note.
Can’t wait for the new formatting features to the writing experience!

We would like to improve some formatting in tables, but probably not in the very next release, and formatting will probably still remain limited. It is not a great experience to try to pack note formatting, with images etc, all in a very small cell. That was not the intent of the tables in Agenda.

Totally fair. I appreciate that every update you make leads to people wanting that little bit more, but often simple is best. Just through I’d ask.

Really, the big one for me was the ability to add checklist or bullet points in the table to make it useful for tracking.

Thanks for all the hard work and a brilliant app.


We’ll consider whether we should add lists in cells. Haven’t made up our mind on exactly where we should draw the line yet.

Thanks for the feedback!