Support for Tables

I did look into mutimarkdown tables, but I have to say, they are pretty limited. For example, you can only have one line in a cell, where Agenda supports multiple lines. You also have to have header cells, which Agenda doesn’t support, so you would end up with odd empty header cells.

At this point, I am not really sure what would be best. Needs some thought.

I typically use only single paragraphs in my cells, so I didn’t really think about this in a general sense. For me, I could live with multiple rows for those cases in the export. I know it will not be possible to do a 1 to 1 mapping.
Perhaps others can weigh in as my use case is pretty basic.

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yes, I would love to see checklists and bullet points in table cells too :slight_smile:

I enjoy the ability to include tables in my notes. One thing I have done already more than once is begin to list a few items using a bulleted list format, then a little further down the road realise that it would be more appropriate to have each item as a row in a table (so I can add other stuff in other columns). Thus, I’ve tried to convert my list of items into a table, with each item stuffed in a different row of the first column.

Currently, if I select a list of item and select “Insert > Table”, a new 2x2 table is inserted in-place and the previously selected content is used to fill the first cell of the table (first row, first column). Agenda does not wipe out what I had selected, so it knows that I’d like to do something with the selected content.

Would it be possible to maybe offer the possibility to spread out each line of the selected content in a different table row? With a long list, it’s much harder to do manually than just copy-n-paste content within the first cell only. Or is there another way to do what I want?

It’s an interesting point. I guess the problem is it is tricky to know exactly what each user wants. In your case, you want the first column to be filled, but someone else may want it to be the row, and someone else wants everything in the first cell. Not sure there is an easy answer.

I agree there is no single answer that will satisfy everyone every time.
A way to hande this could be to ask the user. For instance, if I copy 6 lines of text and paste them in a new Task in Todoist, it asks me if I want to add 6 tasks. If I choose not to, it creates a single task with 6 lines.
It adds some complexity to the “insert table” action. It would slow down the workflow of someone who creates tables from multi-lines selections and wants the selection in the first cell, but would speed up the workflow of someone who creates tables from multi-lines sections and wants the selection in multiple rows…

Will consider it. Thanks!

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thanks to you!