In the introduction video of Agenda the example is given about the quick thought you have in mind and write them down, like you do with sticky notes. This is the trigger for me as that is exactly the problem I want to solve. having one system where I can drop all those quick thought which cam into mind for later use. But, I cannot find the solution agenda provide in this.
How are these one-liners be organised and can be found back easily.
I’ve tried various options for a place to quickly capture ideas etc.
What I’ve evolved to is this.
I have a note for each week , created from a template with some recurring items in a checklist. At the start of the week I make a note of key areas of focus, deadlines etc. I refer to these each day when planning in my daily note.
At the bottom of the week note is a space for quick ideas, tasks etc. I reallocate them when I am reviewing my day or week.
The current week and day notes are always on the agenda. My folder structure means that these are always the first items on the agenda.
So when I have idea or want to take a quick note, I simply go to the Agenda, and to the end of the first note (this week)