Searching and Filtering

When I do a “search all” on my mac in Agenda and type something to search for, I can click on the word “Search” at the top and see a list of all the notes that contain the search string and jump right to one. When I try this on my iPhone, I can’t figure out how to see that list of notes. I can see a list of notes in my overviews, etc. Is there a way to do this for search all?


On iPhone search is a lot less powerful, we hope to improve this in a future update

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Ok. Most of the time, I can manage with “open quickly” or finding the note on my mac. I was trying to find a particular note yesterday on my iPhone and was in a hurry and was trying to use search and had too many hits. It’s always when you’re in a hurry, right? lol


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Is there plans for the ability to search for a string of words. For example, a project I’m working on I need to search for ‘mode 6’ (single quote used just to show what I want to search for). The search results come back with either mode or 6 as hits. In this particular case being able to search for a string of words would be helpful.

I didn’t see any one else ask about this, may not be a big need for it. When it is needed though it sure would be nice to have this search feature as it would be a time saver.

Appreciate all the hard work you put into this app. It’s developed into a extremely useful tool in my everyday work life. Makes staying organized on a project so much easier. Thank You !!

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We are planning a major search overhaul soon, and will take along this request. It seems like an obvious candidate.

At the very least, we will make it possible to combine words in different ways. Eg. “word1 and word2”, “word1 or word2”. Even without proper phrase searches, this would make it more powerful.

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Would the overhaul include seeing all open tasks?

Yes, that’s one of the most requested items

I’m just curious, has any movement been made with some of the early requests around the handling and display of tasks? I know these are non-trivial features to implement, but it’s over two years now and your competitors have been making significant in-roads around these features.

It is all planned for Agenda 19, which will be a major overhaul of search and filtering.


Look forward to having more powerful search and hope the Traditional Chinese will be included. Thank you.

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Are there any plans to make a simple find and replace in an update? It is essential for effective editing for me. I’ve been using Apple Notes for so long that I honestly didn’t think that I should check for this feature before buying. I really want to make Agenda work. Apologies if this has been solved and I couldn’t figure it out.

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It’s not as high on our priority list as some of the other things like improved Search, but we’ll see where it would fit in our roadmap