Version 14.1 with text editor and autocompletion improvements
- Sync activity is now shown as clouds moving across the “islands” button (requires macOS 10.14 and iOS 15)
- Spell checking is much improved
- A link is now inserted to a reminder when it is added to a note from the right panel
- The related notes panel now includes links to whole projects
- Now automatically select the first option during autocompletion
- You can press escape to end editing of a list item on macOS
- Pressing CMD-S no longer beeps on macOS. (It is not necessary to manually save)
- Subsequent new attachments now get added with the same size setting as the one previously used
- The tag browser now defaults to searching all projects, instead of the selected one
- When pasting a numbered list, the numbers no longer get frozen, but will adjust to any existing list
- The current project is now shown as the first option when creating a new note using the [[ shortcut
- When the calendar panel is closed the other related note panels now show more entries
- On older systems the icons in the insert menu are now darker to better stand out against the lighter menu background.
- For some users, purchasing via Paddle could get ‘stuck’. This is now fixed
- Horizontal rules are now properly visible in dark and black mode
- Fixed a crash that could occur in the sign in panel
- Chinese and some other languages are now better supported in search fields
- Fixed an issue in the sidebar with selecting the first or last item after viewing the community
- Fixed some glitches in the notes panel
- Fixed a crash during sync that arose for some users
- Fixed a crash in the sharing extension
- Using x-callback or shortcuts now fully saves edits before starting
- Links showing with the wrong color now show correctly
- Relative due dates now work again in saved overviews
- Sharing panel could jump when you had a table in it. No longer happens
- Fixed some dark mode issues
- Fixed various issues in the text editor
- Fixed a crash for pencil drawings appearing on some versions of macOS
- The contextual menu no longer contains two share menus
- When editing the title and display style of an attachment at the same time, the title edit is no longer lost
- Fixed an infinite loop when editing certain numbered lists
- Various other crashes fixed
- Updated localisation
Version 14.1.1
- Fixed a crash on startup on iOS14
- Dragged attachments now preserve the display style, and no longer disappear when dragged after a link