Readdle Spark and Agenda


Recently, Readdle from Spark’s Twitter account asked its users about requested integrations. I requested integration with Agenda. Maybe Agenda could be integrated with Spark :slight_smile:


Can you be more specific about the type of integration you want?

Note that Agenda already does integrate with all other apps in a few ways. You can copy Agenda links to other apps. You can also use the Sharing menu in the app to send data or links to other apps, and we added a sharing extension so you can share from other apps to Agenda.

So if Spark simply supports the standard system sharing, and URLs on the pasteboard, it already goes a really long way to ‘integration’.

Doesn’t seem to have standard system sharing. One ‘integration’ I’d find useful would be to ‘share’ a link to an email so I can add it via Agendas sharing system to a specific note. I’ll tweet them!

It would be best if Spark also allowed sharing a link to an actual email in the client, rather than to a web page of the email (which is also useful in other contexts)

As per the screenshot where connected services such as Asana and Bear show up, it would be great to be able to turn an email into a New Note rather than cut and pasting the content.

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Also, I think that Spark has a very large user base and whenever I see a new Spark integration I invariably have a look at or try the new app, so it’s a great way to promote Agenda to some of those people who haven’t come across it yet. :grinning:


Are you sure Agenda is not in there under “Add Service…”? I guess maybe we need to make our extension available via the older Services menu…

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Actually, Readdle Spark’s 3rd party integrations had been designed as “custom export integrations” only.

Spark’s tweet

Spark adds brilliant 3rd party integrations
Readdle Extends Spark Functionality With App Integrations

Ok, I’ve spent the morning adding the service, it should be part of the upcoming version 11 update, which means that from any app you could sent the selected content to Agenda. I’ve also contacted the people from Spark to see what they’d need from our end to add the integration. Make sure to let them know you’d like to see it being added!


I use Spark and so am looking forward to using this integration, thanks.

In a similar vein, I also use Cloze ( and it has a similar Evernote integration to Spark. It would be create if there could be an integration for Agenda as well. Integration capabilities have become a defining characteristic of productivity style apps. Keep up the good work guys.

Cheers, Steve

Got an email from Spark today, saying they agree integration with Agenda would be great, and that they’ll add my vote to the list.

If you haven’t got around to requesting this yet, probably a good idea to do so and keep it live!


I LOVE this idea!!


how it looks now? I have both Agenda and Spark beta.

We haven’t heard from the Spark folks for a while but they did get in touch last week, we’ll try to see what they need.


Any news on this issue with Spark being able to share -> Agenda?



No news at this point though the ball is in their court. We’ll ask them where they are.


I was looking for exporting Spark app mail to Agenda so arrived to this thread.
I wonder what the current situation is like.


Desperate for this. With Things connected as well, the interplay would be amazing. Just added my request with Spark. If you haven’t done so, please do! Spark Email Contact Form

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I Show it is there in my spark app.

Yes, it is there now, under Spark - Preferences - Services !!