Overview of todo's

Awesome app. Love it!

Would love to see a line in the Overview section for To Dos that calls up notes with uncompleted To-Dos, just like in Bear. After all, this app is best for meetings, and meetings are about generating tasks that need do-ing.

Otherwise Agenda>Bear, especialy with calendar integration. Brilliant!

I’d defintiely pay for a subscritption wiht this feature.

As mentioned in other threads, there are simple workarounds for what you suggest that just require a slight adjustment in your workflow.

I apply a #ToDo tag to the notes as required, then create a search Overview for #ToDo that I pin just below On the Agenda.

I check off all items as I complete them. If they have a #ToDo tag, I delete it. Then I move the completed items to a Special Archive project for that category. Still searchable, just not in my face anymore. They disappear from my #ToDo and On the Agenda Overviews if they were housed there.


We hope to bring more options around to do lists and overviews in the future, see The features we are working on right now…

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Thanks for referring back to The features we are working on right now…. I’ve read that several times, but now that I’m focused on my workflow adaptation, another review was a great idea. BTW, @mekentosj, Alex, I really like the proposal to hide checked items. I may still use the work around for moving to a project Archive, though. It lets me pat myself on the back for all the incremental progress I have made—procrastinator’s reward! :wink:

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