I am running the most current version of Agenda on an iPad mini 2. Sometimes titles for notes is shown with overlapping text. It looks mostly like the project title overlapping the note title. I’m attaching a photo as an example. It appears to be random when it happens. I have had the app installed now for three days and I’ve had a proximately half a dozen occurrences. Closing the app and reopening it generally will resolve the issue. Just wanted to bring it to your attention.
I’m afraid this is a layout problem that has been reported a few times, and we are investigating. If you notice any particular pattern in the actions leading up to this issue that would be of great help. Even more if you can capture it in a screenrecording. It’s proving difficult for us to reproduce
it happens after deleting something. the only way to fix it is to close the app and relaunch.
try having 2 categories, each with only 1 note visible, e.g. in today or on the agenda. now delete the note from the lower category. boom. from the top of the head I don’t remember if it’s the scenario with 2 categories OR 2 projects. it happens on ios and macos
I haven’t gotten overlapping text since the very first time I launched Agenda. However, I just got a project name overlap.
What I was doing: I was using the Search All for the Tag #ToDo so I could unmark all my items On The Agenda per @drewmccormack’s suggestion here: Two Notes Open at Same Time - #10 by drewmccormack That’s when I got the overlapping text.
I switched to the On the Agenda Overview and the overlap stayed.
I then switched to a Project, and there it was again.
I effectively closed Agenda by swiping it off my active apps screen. When Agenda restarted, the overlap was gone.
I started working with my new #ToDo Overview to select items I want to show up On the Agenda, and the same thing happened (same project).
I’m going to try cycling power off/on to see the issue stops. This is so odd. It’s been five days of steady use, with lots of reorganizing, moving notes, applying and unapplying tags. No overlap until now.
I am running IOS v2.1.3 on iPad Air OS v11.3
So far so good.
Thanks both that’s super helpful!