Order of today view

At the moment, the Today view is sorted by projects. I expect the Today view to match my calendar agenda. I would expect the notes to be sorted by time either ascending or descending. Is there a way to sort by time?



I noticed this the other day, and have to admit, seeing my Today view arranged by project is not how I’d expect a Today view to be laid out. I’d much prefer to see Today arranged chronologically.

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It’s pretty disorientating at first because the calendar side bar is also showing my agenda “today”. I would expect the Today tab to be the same.

What would also be amazing is to be able to suggest adding a note for the next meeting (based on the current time). I’m always adding a linked note for the next meeting but the workflow could be better. I’m imagining something like:

  1. Open Today view
  2. If current time is within +/-15 mins of upcoming meeting show at the top of the list a button Add New Note to [meeting title] - [meeting time]
  3. Click said button
  4. Choose project
  5. Added to the bottom of the notes list.

Imagine having the calendar side bar open and as you scroll down it highlights the event as you’re viewing it.

If no upcoming meetings show “No more upcoming meetings”

I also think the calendar side bar could do a better job of highlighting upcoming meetings over past ones but that’s irrelevant.


That would be incredible. It would really improve my workflow with Agenda.

Adding more sort options for the overviews is definitely on our to do list, so is the ability to have more viewing options (like only showing the first x lines etc). It’s not entirely trivial though, for example, where do you sort undated notes. We’ll do our best to come up with something that works well.

In the next update we have some improvements to the calendar in the side bar. Also, note that you can already drag events from that calendar into the middle pane to create a new note for that meeting.



I wanted to thank the folks in this discussion because you alerted me to something that had been frustrating me and I was able to create a workaround. I keep a running to do list that results from the meetings in Agenda and wanted it to be pinned to the top of the Today View but pinning only works within the project. I had not realized the Today view was ordered by project and assumed it was LIFO sort of thing. Changed my ToDo project to a_ToDo and now I have my list effectively pinned.

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It indeed follows the order of projects in the source list. Given that since version 9 you can manually reorder the source list you don’t even need to rename the project per se.

Just returned to Agenda after a year or so away and nearly threw my phone at the wall when I saw the order of notes in Today and saved searches. While sorting by project might make sense in some contexts, it absolutely doesn’t work for me (planning lessons). Please, please give the option to sort by event time…


Is there an update for this? This is the only thing I’m missing from this software. I paid for premium but didn’t find an option to sort the on the agenda view by time/date and not clustered by projects.

No update yet, other than that it continues to climb the ladder of items to work on next…

Besides searching in titles the idea of having all notes from multiple projects in one sortable (!) Today list, or an intelligent search, ignoring the source projects, even if manual, would be extremely helpful.

Yes indeed! Using the analogy of Agenda as a paper notebook, being able to scroll though all notes in date order would be like flicking through a paper notebook, looking for a note you remember making, probably around March, you can picture it on the page, just after a note about X!

Also interesting. But I thought more of a Wunderlist / Microsoft To Do “My Day” page.

Agenda has great potential. I’ve been using it on/off for a month, but it’s an unnecessary cognitive load for me to have so much emphasis on projects. When I go to the on the agenda (right side), I’m always double checking and swiping to see today at top. The, the other areas aren’t consistent with whatever the top item is in on the agenda.

When I see a calendar or calendar list, I expect it to first show current date or current week, starting with Sunday. I’m not giving up yet, but I am disappointed that I spent the time snd money for iPhone, iPad, iMac, and MacBook and never could have imagined this limitation.

It sounds like you expect Agenda to be a replacement of your calendar, but instead try to think about it a a note taking app. The calendar is secondary to your notes, not the other way around. Then it starts to make more sense that the app is project focused as usually your notes are. The calendar doesn’t but as a result uncle Paul’s birthday mixes with the team meeting at work on the same day. This makes a lot of sense in terms of what’s “on the agenda” today, but becomes irrelevant quickly after when you want to refer back to last week’s team meeting for example. If you see Agenda as a note-taking app instead of a calendar app the concepts probably start to make more sense.

A few additional tips, “on the agenda” is what we refer to as the main overview at the top of the sidebar on the left, controlled by the orange dot next to the title of a note. It’s a way to flag note that (according to your own criteria) are relevant right now. Below that is a standard overview “Today” that shows any notes assigned to today. The panel on the right is what we call the related panel, and it follows the selection of the note, i.e. if you select a note with an assigned date, the calendar on the right jumps to that date.

Finally, please note that if the calendar is not showing today, you can make it instantly jump to today by clicking the small orange circle at the top:

Screenshot 2021-03-22 at 09.00.57

Completely with you concerning the note taking philosophy. And typically I use Agenda to structure my ideas or notes and the calendar to structure my time, by project. „On the Agenda“ is my weekly backlog, „Today“ is today. And I plan the tasks for today within the calendar. But sometimes multi-project management requires to jump serveral times during a day from topic to topic between projects. In these situations I create a sequence of the topics for the day by urgency, a simple “pile of notes”, but would not be able to match them to a calendar schedule. And I am also not able to create that simple „pile“ within Agenda. A pure list of topics, in a manually sorted sequence, therefore for the moment ignoring the associated projects, was at least my intention when I posted the question. Less a question of Agenda vs calendar, but more of my deficiency of keeping focus in simultaneous multi-project management …