It would be great if it was possible to ‘pop out’ a note in its own Window. For example, I might be having a Skype call with someone and I want to take notes as I do this. It feels a bit cluttered/cumbersome to see the whole Agenda interface when I do this - rather I just want one note at the side of Skype where I can make my notes as I go along. A Mac app called MiniNote Pro does this very well - gives you a floating single note where you can take notes while doing something else.
I really would like to be able to drag out a separate window, ideally - the less interface the better when I’m making notes parallel to another task (e.g. a Skype call or doing some web research) - having apps side by side on the Mac isn’t always great, so if one app (Agenda) is super minamalist (i.e. just one note Window open) it’s LOADS better. My inspiration for this request is the MiniNote Pro app which is great in this specific regard.
Having multiple single-project-windows would be helpful. My use case is:
I arrange spaces to work on specific projects. So the “project A space” has a terminal window and a browser for working on project A. Similarly, “project B space” has n application windows for that project.
It would be easier to have the notes for project A open in project A’s space and simultaneously the notes for project B in that space. Currently, when I change focus, I have to move the Agenda window and re-set the context inside it.
+1 for an optional separate window for individual notes. I’m using Agenda in a split screen with Things. But I’d love to open a specific note in its own window and have it available when I’m (for example) writing an email or a document referring to that note.
Would be great to have such a feature. My use case is this:
While having a lot of notes in one project, editing one note and want scroll to the end of this specific note, I almost always scroll over the end of the note to the next ones and have to scroll up again to find the end of the current note. This is just a bit annoying
OK, noted. Also worth considering marking the notes you are working on right now as “On the Agenda”, and going to work in the “On the Agenda” overview. I find that a great way to declutter and focus just on what I am doing now.
One way to do this is to mark the note as “On the Agenda”, and remove other notes. Then select “On the Agenda”, and it will just have the one note. This is really how that feature is intended to be used: you pick what is important right now.
We also have plans for more note focussed options. Stay tuned!
+1 on this as well. I’ve found myself going back to using text edit and then copying and pasting to Agenda when I want to focus on something because my other notes start being distracting / overwhelming.
We certainly want to add a focus mode, but something to consider in the meantime:
Add a tag to the note at the top or bottom called #focus
Setup a saved search for “#focus” and call the overview “Focus Mode”
When you want to focus, add the tag, go to Focus Mode, and hide the two sidebars.
Not perfect, but pretty good I think. If you learn the keyboard shortcuts you can do this pretty quickly, probably as quickly as copying to and from textedit.
This is a porential deal breaker for us. We use this in Notes a lot. Having sperate notes open in distinct windows at the same time is a vital part of our team’s creative process. We vote for this feature! Soon please!
Hi - any news on when having separate Windows will be part of your near-term roadmap? The lack of this feature still motivates me to frequently use other notes app rather than going ‘all in’ on Agenda. It is just too cumbersome to use Agenda in its current state when taking notes in web-meetings - I just want a simple, one-note Window to sit next to Google Meet or Teams or whatever, where there is not much space for that Notes Window and I want minimal interface for the Notes Window. I’d pay for Premium twice for this - it really will be a game changer for me.
Thanks for the feedback. As I said, it is amongst the highest priorities now. We are working on a major Agenda 16 release due for release within a month, and then will decide on our next round. Can’t promise that this feature will definitely make it, but it is a candidate I would say. Stay tuned!