“Not done” option for the Today section


I would love to have an option for the “Today” section, so that it also shows past events that are not ticked as “Done”.

What do you think?

All the best

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I guess you are after something more like a “Due” overview. Ie it shows notes with a date in the past that are not marked as done.

We have some major changes planned in this area, so stay tuned to future updates.

Thanks for the feedback!


This is my most anticipated feature. If I could see all open tasks across all notes in one place that would be perfect.

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We certainly plan to do this. Note that you can do something similar with the #due tag, which is special. With that tag, you can include a date, and then you can setup a saved search for #due(today) which will include all notes that contain the due tag with a date on today or preceding today.

In case you want to use something now.

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I didn’t know about the #due tag (seems really cool) - is there an article that spells out how to use this?

Some discussion here: Syntax of #Due

And here: Tags, People, Emoji's, Text Actions and Links

Have you considered using the built in “Mark as Done” (command-return) feature? You can then create a saved search that shows all notes on the previous x number of days that have not been marked as done. You can also visit various projects with the “Unmarked as Done” filter turned on. This allows you to only see those notes.

The advantage of using a tag(s) is that you can immediately begin to see a very specific list instead of having to go through your entire note system to begin marking done vs undone.

The advantage of using “Mark as Done” is that you do not have to type into notes, and can use a built in feature set.

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