What I did:
To go to new line:
- Type a ⇧⏎
- Type a ⌥⏎
- Type a ⌃⏎
What happened:
- a new paragraph is started
- a new paragraph is also started
- a standard context menu is opened
What I expected:
Keyboard function as described here:
Non-breaking (Soft) Return
By default when you hit return a new paragraph is started, leaving some additional space between the lines. To prevent a return from breaking the paragraph you can insert a so-called soft return.
On macOS and iPadOS you can do so by typing any of the following:
- Type a ⇧⏎
- Type a ⌥⏎
- Type a _⌃⏎ _
Things that might be helpful to know (Agenda version, OS and model, etc):
- Soft return has never worked on my iPad with the keyboard.
- Point 3. also happens on the MacBook, but I can deactivate this in the macOS keyboard settings.
- Agenda 20.0
- iPadOS 18.2.1
- iPad Pro 11“ 2.generation
- Smart Keyboard Folio (MXNK2D/A)
- QWERTZ - German
- Standard keyboard settings
- no known hardware problems