Memory Leak?

What are the log entries you see Agenda spitting out?

I observed this behaviour as side effect of my problem with missing attachments after note moving

However, it seems that the problem with missing attachments during move was dropbox-related. So, I switched since a few days to iCloud and this solves also the problem with the intensive logging

I have sent the log output to drewmccormack via pm on 17/11

Thanks so much, that’s very helpful (cc-ing @drewmccormack)

I have to say: Memory leak is still so not closed! After a few days Agenda takes up easily 2 - 3 GB of Memory. When I freshly launch it is only 150 MB!

Yes, we have been investigating, but haven’t found the smoking gun yet unfortunately. It is not clear if it is specific to particular libraries or not. In our tests, we don’t see significant memory leaking. We will keep investigating.

We’ve fixed a few spots that were using excessive memory. Would you be prepared to test it and see if the issues still exist?

The beta with the fixes is here: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life

You just download and drag it to the Applications folder to replace your current version of Agenda.

done - shall I report in a few days or does it talk home itself?

Yes please let us know, there’s no automatic reporting.

1.67gb since 6hrs…

Are you actively using the app, or is it just sitting in the background?

using it, but not extensively today - most of the time it was in the background and for some time that mac was sleeping… 1.99gb right now.

Sorry, when I go to the Dropbox link and click on “Direct Download” nothing happens (not download starting).

Ok, seems we’re not there yet, we’ll continue the detective work…

paste the link into a browser and it’ll work - just doesn’t work within this forum tool…

2.54gb - mac had been sleeping all night - woke it up 2 hours ago and kept it running in the background, using sporadically…

eating and eating - not only memory but also ports:

Ah, that’s interesting to know. How many projects do you have in your library roughly?

22 projects…

That’s not an awful lot, can you see what ports are listed if you follow these instructions?

agenda_Processes_Ports.txt (13.4 KB)