Linked, Alias, Shared?

Wondering if there is a way to get Notes to show/linked identically in different Projects? That is the same note shared, so an update in one is reflected in the other project. Ditto for Projects in Categories. Much overlap in my life (and brain).

We have seen this request occasionally but it’s something we have decided not to support due to the added complexity and potential confusion this would give. Instead we suggest to use Agenda links to tie notes in different projects together, optionally using (pinned?) index notes that provide an overview of the project for example (like shown in this example).

Yeah, What would work best for me is at least two way links (that self generate the other side when I create a link).

Beyond that perhaps an alias as in Finder aliases; it could even look like an alias (with an arrow).

I get the potential complexity and confusion, but I use aliasets frequentlydn on my Mac to make thing more organized, yet easy to find (All Numbers docs in the Numbers folder but w/ links to project folders.)

Here’s hoping…