Is there an ideal project length?

It even goes a bit further, what we often hear is that it’s a bit of experimenting and finding your way in Agenda, which can feel a bit like a blank canvas of lego blocks, and can be a bit of hurdle to overcome in the beginning.

We don’t enforce a very strict organisation** which has this downside, that it requires some trial and error to find the right way that works for your specific way of thinking, working and type of notes.

The flip side however is, and this is why we went this way, that it allows you to build something that really works for you and also nicely allows it to evolve over time along with how things inevitably evolve for yourself as well. Splitting projects and notes, promoting notes to projects, adding categories etc. are all a natural part of this.

**) if you’re curious, here is our origin story where we found out why when we launched the original beta version of Agenda with a much stricter way of working we found out that didn’t work out at all. :grin:

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