Dating a note is useful. But I’m finding that I need to date and time paragrpahs within a single note.
In the note I’m keeping track of who agreed to do what and when, who sent what and when. So it’s basically a text file with new items/paragraphs added at the top. (Essentially a running log). Currently I’m typing out the date for each item, but a keyboard short cut to enter date and/or date and time would be useful. (I used to use TextExpander for this, but I stopped updating when MacOS introduced shortcuts - but not unfortunately date stamps!)
I realise each paragraph could be a seperate note, but that would seem to create an unnecessary number of notes which would clutter things up.
Still waiting for this feature -
I have seen a common data selector like // or \ automatically bringing the calendar to add a date to your note. This seems very simple to add. Any automation like this would be a huge help. Im sure you can think of hundreds of other quick keys.
I just need this one asap