Images: Insert images in text

No, sorry I wasn’t precise. I mean that if I have for example a pdf file stored in Agenda, then double click it to open it (for example in PDF Expert, then make annotations to it and save + close it, then I’d be very happy to see the changes I made next time I open the file. I am able to do this in Evernote and Bear, but when I edit a file stored in Ulysses and save+close it, then navigate to another note and back to open the file again, then the changes are gone. I hope this made more sense?
If, in addition, the files stored in Agenda are searchable, then it would be hard to find a reason not to migrate from Evernote :wink:

In the beginning, you won’t be able to edit the attachments and save them straight back in, no. We do have plans to do it, but it is an extra step.

Content of files also won’t be searchable, I’m afraid.

Hey Drew,

Thanks for being constantly positive in the face of “overwhelming interest” - it’s a good thing (both being positive and the overwhelming interest. :wink:

Do you guys have even a rough estimate for when we might see this? I’ve been holding my breath (for a long while) and it would really help me to decide if I should continue to hold my breath in anticipation of being able to “fix” all my notes with their needed images/graphics that I’ve been squirreling away in a very temporary fashion. OR if it really is (realistically) going to be several more months (or more) - then, that’s really useful information - and it helps me make better decisions about how to make my workflow better for me.

BTW, I’m a paid Premium member - I genuinely believe in the awesomeness that you guys are working towards. I’m just asking for a “best guess” to help me make the best use of my time, knowing that you very well may not even remotely make your target (by either way beating it or missing it).

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. - Kevin


Hi Kevin,
It’s coming, don’t worry. We have already started beta testing with our normal testing group, and have decided on a release date. It is before the end of this year, but I don’t want to say any more at this point. So not long now.
Kind regards,

Hi Drew,

That’s really awesome! Is the “normal testing group” the beta that I can get from your site or is it a smaller group (if so, how do I join :wink:

Either way, it appears that a “Merry Christmas to us!” is a true thing!

Thanks for your response. - K

If you leave a post in this topic, we’ll add you in the next testing round:

Hi Kevin,
It looks like you are already in our beta testing group, so you should have access to the beta via Test Flight. Make sure you read the instructions, especially regarding updating the macOS app.
Kind regards,

Hi @drewmccormack I’d love to become a Test Flighter for your next round.

If you leave a post in this community topic, we’ll add you the next round.

You made it! Great! Just downloaded the new version and I love how thoughtfully you have implemented the „insert images“ feature. Great work, thank you!


Glad you like it so much!

Hooray, it’s done, you can now add images to your Agenda notes. As this thread proves this has been one of the most requested feature by far (together with the iOS version that we launched in June). We would like to thank you all for your patience and constructive feedback that helped us shape, build, and test this feature, we hope you like it as much as we do!

Adding images and attachments feature has been a colossal undertaking. @drewmccormack did most of the work, so please join me in thanking him for the awesome result! He compared it once to writing a whole new app, and it isn’t far from the truth. I think we could have written a good Photos clone in the time it took to add photos to Agenda. There are just so many different facets of the feature, from presentation to drag-and-drop to sharing, and so much more. And each file type needs to be handled differently, compounding the effort required. Anyway, it’s finally over. There will likely be a few small issues that arise after the release, but the feature is finished and we can move on. Enjoy!

For more info on how it all works, see this How To topic:



It’s done, it’s WELL DONE, and on top of that, it’s for both free and Premium to benefit from.

I wasn’t sure why I took premium apart from just supporting the dev, but now I know why I’ll keep the Premium tier :slight_smile:



Yes, in case you missed it, there is a benefit in there for premium customers, namely that they have an extra display style available: full-width images. But we also didn’t want to make images/attachments purely a premium feature. This seemed like a nice balance.


Thanks guys, this is really great!


Awesome! I appreciate the effort invested in making Agenda the best note taking/organizer available.


Just re-installed and am very happy. This is the difference maker


Brilliant to hear!

Just curious if the addition of image support now allows for inclusion of images in notes when importing from Apple Notes? This omission has kept me from exploring Agenda as I have a significant investment in Notes with included images. Congrats to the development team on making a significant feature update!