How to password protect Agenda?

Just throwing my 2 cents in here:

PW protection is definitely needed. I wanted to add a personal journal to agenda, but its my work computer and i allow my staff to use my laptop as an extra rendering machine when at work, but not infront of my desk.

For execution I think i have a solution.

Right under overview (but above on the agenda), add a lock mechanism similiar to the macOS implementation inside settings.

When it’s locked, all protected folders / notes are hidden / hidden from search.

When it’s unlocked, everything is visible + searchable.

As for PW recovery + responsibility… 1 regular password + 1 master password.

If someone forgets the regular password, let them use a master password. Master password comes with a hint of 3 keywords.

Tell the user to print / store the master password in a safe place.

This is how LastPass handles password sec, and it just works.


Used Agenda for a short while then bought the full paid version and loving it, well done!
I would like to see individual note encryption option and total app password with face and/or finger print recognition. Thanks


A little question… will be possible lock with password note (Or project)with any attachments ? Or just text?

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This hasn’t been determined yet, we obviously would like to have it include all content, also attachments. But we haven’t settled yet on the scope and technical feasibility at this point.

I just gave up bear because of this problem I was hoping for in Agenda but the times seem long for such a fundamental feature … ETA for this feature?

No ETA at the moment I’m afraid, there a number of higher priority items on the list I’m afraid.

Will it be possible by the end of the year?

We simply can’t tell at this point, my guess would be that it’s unlikely.

I know you guys are working on it already, but I wanted to add my votes for note- and project-level locking (I don’t need app-level licking.) being security conscious, I already use a password manager and I take responsibility for my passwords.

A very large, clear caveat about “forget your password = data is gone” plus maybe double confirmations, to anyone opting to enable password locking is able all you can do to warn people of the risk. If they then lose their password, it’s on them.

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I have an alternative in the form of a workflow for native Agenda Note encryption. It’s a work-around that might be useful for some people to use until the developers’ team has time to implement a proper protection scheme and has found the best way to do it. I’ve published it on Visuals Producer, here:

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Signed up just to add my voice here. I love Agenda, but it’s not usable in my case until some form of end-to-end encryption is involved for sync.

Not sure if it’s helpful, but here’s an open-source e2e back-end database that might be a jumping-off point:

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We don’t own/operate any back end ourselves, it’s all in iCloud and Dropbox. Having said that, we do want to add end-to-end encryption, not a trivial task however :frowning: We’ll do our best!

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I too would like password ability to lock projects.

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Same here… password protection should be a basic feature. When I store backup on the iCloud or Dropbox, I should be able to encrypt it through Agenda.

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Unfortunately there is still no password protection for the iPad. This is a major vulnerability for a note app. I will probably switch to Uylsees.
In our family we have 3 iPads. When I give my son my iPad, I always have to delete the agenda app.
I use agenda for important logs and personal notes.
I think the developers are all bachelors and live alone.
It is a shame that personality is given so little importance. greetings from Bavaria

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I really liked agenda from very first beginning. I am premium user since that time. But without password protection, for me it is useless in more and more use cases.

A basic application wide password / pin / Touch ID / Face ID procection would be a first step and could be done straight forward within very short time. Maybe an over-engineered solution for note-wise procetction can be done later.

I am sad to say “goodbye agenda”, but I am really disappointed and started using Ulysses for my notes.

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Is there any real difference between just locking your computer screen at the macOS level, and locking Agenda? Is the fear that you will be using the computer, and someone will look over your shoulder and see Agenda or something? Just trying to understand how an Agenda lock would be different to the standard screen lock.

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Drew, you might take a look at Bear; they have lockdown at the app level with your Mac’s login code and the ability to encrypt every note with one key.

Not sure if that’s technically feasible in Agenda, but it’s a good system IMO.

I don’t lock my iMac on macOS level, as it’s a nuisance to have to login everytime you want to use the machine (except for Administrator functions) after it’s gone in Sleep mode and other people use the computer as well. So all my app’s that needs protection (if provided) from “spying eyes” are password locked. Same procedure (as) on iOS systems.
So the discussion now is going on now for 2 years and several users took the exit for this simple feature.
Don’t worry about forgetting the password. That’s user responsibility, solved by f.i. 1Password.
Next will be encryption, but most users will not require that.

I don’t really see the point of an app level lock. Can you really lock down that many apps? I can’t think of any I can lock down. Does Mail have a lock down, for example?

If you share your computer, you are already taking a bigger risk. I think the way we should go here is to allow locking on individual notes. That way you can lock the sensitive stuff, so that when you kids jump on there, they only see your grocery list. Locking whole apps almost feels like if it were there, it should be a system feature that Apple adds. But then, you get back to the same issue: just don’t share your user account, and you are fine.

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