Agenda’s ability to flag notes as being “On the Agenda” (orange dot button) is a seemingly simple feature, but has the potential to be used in many different ways. You can put many notes on the agenda, or just a few. The definition of what “On the Agenda” means is different to each individual. But what works best in the Agenda app?
Because I was involved in developing Agenda, I was also one of the first to start using it. In the beginning, I used the “On the Agenda” feature as something like an “active” flag. Basically anything I didn’t consider as “done” was put in there. But I actually didn’t go into the On the Agenda overview very often — there was just too much in there to be worthwhile. I tended to select projects and navigate that way.
Lately, that has all changed. I’ve started to reinterpret what On the Agenda means for me, and it is working much better. “On the Agenda” has come to mean “focusing on” in my system. In the same way some apps allow you to enter a focus mode, in order to declutter your mind, On the Agenda lets me go to what I am working on right now, with no other distractions.
This means I only put things on the agenda when I am going to be actively working on them, and I am aggressive in removing notes from the agenda. Once I am not actively editing them, they are removed. Typically, this means I only have 2-3 notes on the agenda at any one time. Notes I am working on at some point today.
That’s the system I have grown into, and it is going very smoothly. I can focus by simply going to On the Agenda. When I need a broader picture, I dive into my project lists.
Of course, this is just one usage of what is a very flexible feature. Are you using On the Agenda differently? If so, share with us how it is helping you.