Hi there! Been looking for a long time for something like Agenda. I tried everything else but always found that the value of taking notes was limited as the information was getting lost quickly. Associating notes to calendar events is a stroke of genius.
Agenda’s layout is quite OK. A bit cluttered but usable enough.
My issue is with the UX where some quality problems are present:
The app could be faster and some common operations could be smoother. For instance, scrolling the calendar events, markup interpretation (dash bullets), etc.
There are visual frustrations like when the editing window is stuck to a smaller hight than what is necessary to display the complete note content. Even moving the cursor past the window bottom will not scroll the text or make the window bigger.
In the morning, if I don’t restart the app, the calendar is not aware that the day has changed. Today is off by a day.
Inter-devices sync is flaky in some circumpstances.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m so glad to have Agenda now. It’s feature complete. It now needs to get the UX and quality aspects to expectations to be an all around winner.
Thank you the feedback, and rest assured we continue to improve the app, as we have always done. I think you’ll see that the upcoming v11 update will be a testament to that.
We look a bit different at that and think that there will never be a day that Agenda is “done” or “perfect”; it will never be finished, never be feature complete, and never fast enough. It’s a living project that evolves, with some things that are easy to fix or add, and others that require significant amount of time or under-the-hood changes. This might make it sometimes difficult to understand from the outside why certain things are added or improved and others not yet. The common theme is though that we hear you, keep track of your feedback, and take it with us every iteration. And what doesn’t make it, isn’t forgotten, but rather taken along the journey of never ending improvements.
Thank you for the quick response Alexander. And I perfectly understands you point. I have been a professional software developer for over 25 years, have been coding for 40 years and still do. I was just providing one more data point for you to consider.
Definitely, they are on the list with the exception of sync, where I don’t think we have evidence of an issue at the moment, more likely it is caused by the interplay between CloudKit, network conditions etc. The other items we are aware of and we’ll get to them at some point.
For me, I get a little frustrated because I can’t use different colors to define projects priorities in a category, being only possible by creating under category. I believe it would really improve Agenda and that it’s not so complicated to make available.