Yeah, I struggle a bit with unresolved items in Agenda. My “talk with boss” example is that I have a regular meeting, so I attach a note to the meeting an advance, and collect things that I want to talk about. But sometimes the meeting doesn’t happen, and that meeting note can fade into the past. The solution is simple, right? Just review notes from previous meetings before my next meeting. Well sure… but if meetings with my boss were the only thing I had to keep track of, I would use an index card, not Agenda
(btw I’m using this response as a way to think through my soluttion and get ideas from others, more than anything)
So I need some sort of system for gathering unresolved things. A couple things come to mind:
Add a single “things to talk about with my boss” pinned note. When the meeting takes place, cut and paste from that note into the meeting note. Anything that’s unresolved gets cut and pasted back into that note.
Alternatively, treat the pinned note as a scratch note, check off items in it while the meeting takes place, and then cut and paste any finished stuff into the meeting note as a record after it takes place. That could be interesting… although I’ve found a lot of value in working with an Agenda meeting note as it takes place.
Make more use of “Mark note as done.” This will be more useful when we can search for notes based on done status. Still, that is a coarse-grained “did this meeting happen” and still doesn’t account for unresolved items from a note.
Tag any notes that have unresolved items, and process them to transfer unresolved items to new (now unresolved) notes and remove the tag from the original note.
I’ll experiment, but I’m curious to hear other people’s experiences with this sort of thing.
Normally, for each important project I have a note pinned at the top of all notes in that specific project, called TODO with a list of things that, time by time the project is being developed, need to be implemented but they don’t have a precise date for being finalized. And this list is updated continuously. Hope this can help in some way for the”things to talk about with my boss”…
There used to be a wiki app that was ahead of it’s time called Trunk Notes. One of the cool features is had were functions that you could apply. For example I could apply a @summary(tag) function to list out all the lines that had a particular tag. That allowed me to have my notes and reminders where they made sense but I could summarize them in a different note as needed. The flexibility that it brought was amazing.
Sounds powerful. We probably won’t go that far in Agenda, but we like the idea of having some commands. Eg the new \remind command. We may extend that set of options in future.
Note we also have cross note linking, and that is improving on iOS in version 9.0, so Agenda can already be used as a basic wiki.
I seem to be remarkably good at re-visiting dead threads and turning them into zombies: if this is an undesired behavior, please just ignore this post, everyone. My goal is only to add to already-established conversations, but as a new user I am not entirely sure what the conventions are here.
First, the thread above was remarkable. The back-and-forth really made me think about what my use cases are and what works better/best in Agenda. As a university researcher, I have a lot of ideas and tasks (more actionable ideas) that I like to capture as part of the flow of the day. I do a lot in daily notes.
I too wanted the ability to compile incomplete tasks somewhere within Agenda, but I see how that isn’t necessarily desirable. I liked the idea of simply tagging things with something like #todo, so that it can be turned into a \reminder later.
One thing about tags is that they apply to an entire document, even though the tag itself is embedded in a line. Is there a way to see only the relevant line? I can see that Agenda has the notion of the line as an independent unit, like a Notion block, but I don’t see that there’s any way to interact with the line/block apart from formatting and linking. Do I have that right?
As Agenda moves forward, I’d love the ability to interact with lines, or at least to see them compiled in a list so that when I click on #todo in Overviews I see only the lines tagged with #todo and not complete notes.
At least that’s what I think I want. I’m still thinking about this!
One thing about tags is that they apply to an entire document, even though the tag itself is embedded in a line. Is there a way to see only the relevant line?
Not at the moment, but let’s say we hear you all loud and clear
I can see that Agenda has the notion of the line as an independent unit, like a Notion block, but I don’t see that there’s any way to interact with the line/block apart from formatting and linking. Do I have that right?
That’s correct, there’s is no way to collapse a paragraph for example yet.
Paragraph level granularity willraise the implementation / productivity of every feature to the degree that future releases will have to include an exponent.