Getting Started with Localising Agenda

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why haven’t you started yet on language fill in your favourite here?"

Adding languages to Agenda unfortunately isn’t a trivial amount of work (see also the next question), and that’s even more true for adding the very first one. We on purposely have started with Dutch, not because there is such an enormous amount of Dutch people on this planet (though it is a surprising popular request), but because this way we could do the translation ourselves while building up the infrastructure and making the necessary under-the-hood changes to support multiple languages in the first place. Once this is done, we’ll open up the floor to more languages, something that can be done in parallel so once Dutch is out you should see many more following quickly.

We are very happy to have received the kind offer to help from many enthusiastic users, but of course whether we can work on your favourite language also depends on whether we have volunteers for it. So make sure to let us know if you’re willing to help. Note that this doesn’t mean doing all the translation yourself per se (though that would be great), it can also mean helping to test the translated version, suggesting improvements, spreading the word in your language, etc.

Q: How much work is it to translate Agenda?

Translating Agenda is not an afternoon work, it will easily take a few days to just complete all sentences and words in a first round. It therefore helps if you’re working together with other translators so you can “share the pain”. After this first round follows a few iterations of tweaks and polishing things as well as testing the app before we can ship the translation alongside an update of Agenda :partying_face:

Of course it doesn’t end there, Agenda is a living thing, we continue to update and add features to the app, which means we hope to be able to rely on you when it comes to translating new sentences and words as we go, but also to react to suggestions, corrections, and comments from our users.

Q: How do I join as a translator?

First check if your language is either already available or translation is underway, if so it should have a dedicated topic in the languages section of the community. In that case simply leave a post on that page.

If no page exists it means you are the first for your language (hooray :partying_face:). In that case leave a post in reply to this topic here and we’ll create the page for you.

Before you start, also make sure to read the tips and guidelines document.

Q: Do I need to have experience translating other apps?

The answer is not per se, but it certainly does help to either have already done translations before, or to have technical experience. Nevertheless, using the Crowdin platform is quite straightforward and doesn’t need an awful lot of expertise. Plus, there’s also a ton of other things you can help us with, for instance by helping us test or Spreading the Word once the language is released.

Q: How do you select translators?

When we have a lot of volunteers for popular languages there might be too many to go at it at once. Instead we will select a limited number of translators to make the first round of translations. That doesn’t mean there’s no role left to all of you. We can use all the help we need with testing the initial translations, making them better by suggesting improvements and corrections, and also keep up as new updates require more translations.

Q: How do you select which languages will be added next?

This is foremost dependent on the availability, speed, and enthusiasm of the translators, as well as demand shown from users. However, some languages do require additional work under-the-hood or even substantial UI changes, for example Right-To-Left languages. Those naturally will take longer and might have to wait for such work to be completed first. We do intend to support as many languages as possible though!